Saturday, September 6, 2008

Women Targeted by Cigarette Companies

It is a known fact that cigarettes deliver a steady dose of some very hazardous chemicals with some famous adverse side effects. Smoking will always put your health at risk, but women will find that are more complications for them than for their male counterparts. The worst part of the nicotine addiction for women is the way in which cigarette companies continue to target women and girls through advertising. Ad campaigns typically infer that smoking constitutes the identity of slim, attractive, independent women. The manner in which these companies glamorize smoking encourages new generations of women to get hooked.

Cigarette companies bank on the social pressures put on women to generate continued sales. Girls and women are pressured to smoke by the image that advertisements project: a woman who smokes is shown as a thin, confident, free-thinking and beautiful person. She is dressed sumptuously or trendy-- and no matter what she wears, it seems like she is always catching the eye of men, or being the life of the party. The general impression is that all these social benefits are derived from the simple act of lighting up a cigarette.

Part of cigarette marketing takes steady aim at women "quitters" who may be ready to relapse. The reasons for women to restart their smoking habit are quite different from men's-- women start smoking again to manage stress, control weight and distract from other negative emotions. How can someone resist cigarettes when they are advertised as the ultimate image booster?

Cigarette companies may show you photos of beautiful women, but the truth of the matter is this:

* It is estimated that cigarette smoke kills 178,408 women annually in the United States.
* 90% of all lung cancer deaths can be attributed to smoking-in 1987, lung cancer deaths among women outnumbered breast cancer fatalities.
* Women age 35 or older who currently smoke are 12 times more likely to face an early death due to lung cancer than their non-smoking peers. In this year (2007), an estimated 70,880 women will perish from lung or bronchus cancers.
* It has been proven that smoking is directly responsible for 80% of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) cases. For the past three years, the number of women who died from COPD has outnumbered the number of men who died from the same disease.
* If you smoke during pregnancy your baby can suffer a multitude of health problems. Smoking prevents 25% of the normal amount of oxygen from reaching your baby.
* If you are a woman, 35 or older, who currently smokes, you are 10.5 times more likely to die from emphysema or chronic bronchitis than your non-smoking peers.
* Smokers in their 40's tend to look as old as non-smokers in their 60's because of the increased amount of skin wrinkling, greyish skin tone, staining on the teeth and yellowing of nails.
* After initially quitting, women may experience temporary weight gain-- BUT after a short period of time it will naturally level out to a normal weight.
* Women who smoke a 50% more likely to grow facial hair-- this was proven as part of a study on how smoking affects hormone levels in women.

The good news:

* A recent study found that middle aged women and men with mild or moderate COPD had dramatically improved breathing after they quit smoking.
* Women who quit smoking had twice the improvement in lung function after one year than men who had quit.
* In 2003, 49.9% of female smokers tried to quit smoking for at least one day.

A few things to keep in mind

1. Quitting is tough and requires you to really make up your mind and be determined to stop smoking-- but it IS possible if you put your mind to it!

2. Cigarette companies are counting on your nicotine addiction to put money in their pockets-- think of all the things you could do for yourself with that extra couple bucks that would normally go towards a pack of smokes! You could treat yourself to a manicure on a couple days' worth of cigarettes! Honestly, it's time to throw away the habit and reward yourself whenever you hit another "quit milestone"!

3. If you are feeling sad or stressed, don't let cigarettes be a stand-in for your security blanket. Cigarette companies are betting on the fact that it's tougher for women to quit! Don't let them have the upper hand!

4. Don't forget to believe in yourself! You CAN do it!

Isn't it time that you became the truly independent, healthier, more beautiful woman you've always wanted to be? Set a "quit date" and take your first step towards a better lifestyle!

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Get fast, friendly advice from a certified indoor air quality professional.

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5 Tips to Lose 30 Lbs With Idiot Proof Diet

While on the Idiot Proof Diet one of these 5 tips WILL apply to you while on the plan. This list was compiled from people already on the diet that have run into these specific questions. Follow the diet exactly you WILL lose at least 7-9 pounds your first 11 days.

Tip 1. Follow The Program To The Letter

Do not eat anything not on the menu or mix foods from meals after the diet has been generated Make sure to avoid the 10 foods mentioned in the Diet Handbook

Do NOT skip meals. This is very important. This diet is set up using the science behind calorie shifting and if you skip a meal it defeats the whole purpose Make Sure to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water while on this diet. This will help.

Tip 2. Cheat During The 3 DAY Cheat Cycle

This is in the top 3 questions. Everyone says I just lost 8 pounds in 11 days and now I'm supposed to cheat for 3 days straight!" Most peoples logic and emotions are telling them that since they had so much success they will keep dieting for those 3 cheat days and lose even more weight. Or they don't want to gain back the weight they lost. TRUST ME! You aren't going to gain it back.

If you just can't stomach it at least cheat for 2 days.

Tip 3. Moderately Exercise to Accelerate Your Weight Loss (optional)

This can be a big one in increasing the amount of weight you lose. By exercising you build muscle which burns fat. Your body obviously will also look much more toned and fit. You don't have to use weights. When I was calculating how people who exercised lost more weight this included people who just walked or jogged regularly at least 4 times per week.

Tip 4. Change Around the Menu

Some people are not choosing the maximum amount of food choices from each side of the Diet Generator. Some people may get bored with their menu that was generated and not realize that they are able to go back and generate a new menu with different foods! As long as when you generate a new menu you pick back up on the same day you left off on the old menu you are fine.

Example: you are on day 6 of your 11 day diet cycle. You are getting tired or don't want the food you originally picked. You can go pick new foods and generate a new menu. When the new menu is generated you would pick up on day 6 where you left off! Its that simple. So remember choose the required amount of food and make sure you stick to it!

Tip 5. Only Weigh Yourself at the End of the 11 day Cycle

This one is a tough one. The first thing we want to do when we start feeling better is start weighing ourselves every chance we get. Try not to fall into this trap. There are MANY variables that can affect weight loss in a short timeframe. You may weigh 3 days into the diet and you're down 3 pounds and weigh yourself on day five and only be down 1. This is NOT an accurate reflection of your weight loss journey. So if you want to save yourself from unnecessary disappointment wait until the 11th day like you're supposed to and weigh yourself then.

Want to be 30lbs lighter next month? See before and after pictures of EXACTLY how Phil did it using the Idiot Proof diet at Idiot Proof Diet

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Philip Hixonn - EzineArticles Expert Author

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Steps to Quit Smoking

To quit smoking is something not everybody can do with lot of success in the first try. But if you see and understand the benefits, you can simplify this seemingly overwhelming task. Just make a list of negative attributes related to smoking that you really dislike and keep that list handy so that you will be continually reminded of it. You can make use of Nicotine replacement therapy or other stop-smoking aids to deal with the various withdrawal symptoms that curse smokers in first few crucial and most difficult days of all. Other important methods that can assist you to ease the pain during these hard times are:

* Get a partner who is set to join your plan to quit smoking cigarettes with you. You may feel better just knowing that there is somebody you know who is going through the same thing may help to alleviate a lot of pain.
* Try placing your cigarettes in hard to reach places to make it as tiresome as possible. Keep them at unusual places like at the top of cupboard, in your car, etc.
* Delaying the gratification for long periods of time and frequently will result altering your state of mind. So try and put off that initial cigarette of the day, you will certainly see a change extremely soon.
* Once your target date is close throw away any reminder you have of cigarettes such as ashtrays, lighters, cigarette cases, and so on.
* Remember however, there is a chance that you may not succeed at first but you will if you identify how to try once more and not give up. Do not use any short cuts.
* Just consider, take one day at time and assure yourself that you will not smoke. And tomorrow will look out itself.
* Try finding a hobby; anything will work as long as it keeps you active and especially away from thoughts of cigarettes.
* Talk to people who have gone through or are going through the same quitting stage, you'll feel good about yourself as well as make yourself understand it's well worth it.

Always remember why you smoked and the reasons you want to quit, it will keep you on track. Some very important advice would be to write down why you want to quit smoking, carry this list with you everywhere you go and refer to it several times daily. This will keep you focused and hopefully, cigarette-free.

For more information about Quitting Smoking visit where you will learn valuable tips on how to and available tools and aids to help you become a healthy, successful non-smoker.

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How to Get Ready Mentally to Stop Smoking

Before you can stop-smoking, you need to mentally prepare yourself. Many people who try to stop-smoking fail because they have not been mentally prepared for the challenge that lies ahead.

Cigarette smoking is one of the most addictive substances there are. It does nothing to add to your life. It had a foul odor, stinks up the house and your clothes, yellows your teeth and causes wrinkles around your mouth.

On top of that, it is very unhealthy. It weakens your immune system and leads to diseases such as cancer. It is one of the leading causes of heart disease, diseases of the circulatory system and lung cancer. Clearly, there is no good reason to smoke. There are, however, many good reasons to stop-smoking.

One thing that you can do to mentally prepare to stop-smoking is to tell friends and family of your plans to quit the habit. Many people will feel uncomfortable failing in front of family and friends.

They will not want anyone to know that they were unable to stop-smoking. This is one good reason to tell people. In addition to wanting to improve your health, you will not want to seem like a failure to friends and family, so you might stick with it. This can help you over a craving for a cigarette or two.

Another thing that you can do to mentally prepare to stop-smoking is make some changes in your lifestyle. If you go to a bar or bingo hall every week where there is smoking and all of your friends smoke, are you going to be able to handle this without having a cigarette?

You might want to stay away from those places for a month or so and go to a fitness center instead. Here you will be able to exercise, which will be even more beneficial to your health, instead of being tempted to smoke.

If you live in a state where there are strict anti-smoking laws, it is easier to stop-smoking. You will not be tempted to light up in a bar or anywhere else because these states have no smoking inside ordinances.

If you live in an area where smoking inside of commercial buildings is still legal, you may have to avoid places where you used to go to smoke, just until you have succeeded.

It can be very difficult to stop-smoking, but far from impossible. Each year, millions of people accomplish this task and break free from the nicotine prison that they are in. They generally go on to lead healthier lives.

Need to Stop Smoking? Check out for all your free articles on How Exercise Can Make You Stop Smoking and much more.

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4 Effective Types of Stop Smoking Aids

Because giving up smoking is known to be a challenging task, many people try to stop smoking by using stop smoking aids. There are a lot of these stop smoking aids such as patches, pills, gums, inhalers, and natural remedies available on the market.

The most widely known and perhaps most popular of the various stop smoking aids is the nicotine patch. It is available over the counter in the pharmacy. Designed to deliver a dose of nicotine via a patch, it is intended to lessen withdrawal symptoms while the individual tries to stop smoking.

The nicotine patch can be an invaluable aid to smokers dealing with the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal, including anxiousness, nervousness, irritableness, sleeplessness, headache, and cravings. The patch cannot eliminate all of the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal, but there is evidence that it can alleviate some of them effectively. In order to succeed, one must wear the patch every day for approximately three months. It's said that one out of every five smokers is able stop smoking using the patch if they are committed to quitting. However, some people experience side effects such as skin irritation and difficulty with sleeping.

Buproprion, or Zyban, is one drug many people use to help them quit smoking. This pill is an antidepressant and is actually used for people who are clinically depressed. It has been proven, however, that this pill will help people trying to quit smoking, because it helps to suppress withdrawal symptoms from nicotine. In some clinical studies, Zyban was twice as effective at helping stop smoking as the nicotine patch. In addition, you cannot become addicted to it, and it is easy to use. Although side effects may include insomnia and dry mouth, Zyban is worth trying.

Nicotine inhalers and nicotine gum are examples of other stop smoking aids. Nicotine gum assists people in their quest to quit by keeping their mouths busy and delivering small doses of nicotine to ward off intense cravings. Some people are hesitant to quit smoking because of the possibility of large weight gain. In such cases nicotine gum is the most useful option as helps ward off cravings without weight gain. Nicotine gum is chewed like other gums and may be used for about 12 weeks to wean off nicotine addiction.

Nicotine inhalers are stop smoking aids that allow smokers to take a nicotine dose whenever they feel it's necessary. The inhaler imitates the nicotine effects of smoking, and helps make quitting smoking easier for those trying to stop smoking. Throat and mouth irritation are some of the side effects.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that no matter which stop smoking aids a person uses, they are only effective when the person is committed to quitting. Their effectiveness is determined by how dedicated a person is to stopping smoking. The only true way a smoker will be able to stop smoking is their own inner drive and motivation.

While aids like patches, pills, gum, and inhalers that contain nicotine can help people quit, nothing will help a smoker stop for good except for their desire to stop smoking.

Are you searching for an effective method to stop smoking? There are a ton of products and systems that claim to be the best at showing you how quit smoking but how do you know which is junk? Visit the How To Quit Smoking website at to learn more about the most effective ways to get that monkey off your back.

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