Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Smoking Facts and Why You Should Quit

A census taken in July of 2004 revealed that approximately 1/3 of the worlds population were smokers which equates to 1.2 billion people. While many developed countries are taking steps to reduce the number of smokers, other places in the world are actually seeing an increase in both the smoking habit and health problems related to it. If you have not yet decided that it's time to quit then here are some facts that may help to persuade you. This article will look at the properties of tobacco, the health affects related to smoking, how smoking affects woman and pregnancy, and the results of the ever increasing smoking bans occurring around the world.

If you are a smoker then you probably think you know what tobacco is because you ingest it on a daily basis. But did you know that the act of burning tobacco actually creates new substances and that cigarette smoke contains over 4,800 separate chemicals with 69 of them being shown to cause cancer. Some of these chemicals are considered so dangerous that they are actually on a list of banned items for placing in landfills. If this makes you think that smokeless tobacco is safe, think again as un-burnt tobacco hosts thousands of chemicals that can destroy your health as well. While everybody realizes that nicotine is the chemical that causes addiction to tobacco, many don't realize that nicotine is more addictive then even cocaine. It is even said by some sources that there is a chemical in tobacco that is more addictive then the nicotine. Now that you have a better understanding of what tobacco is, let's talk about the health affects related to tobacco use and smoking.

While anybody can get lung cancer, it is important to realize that smoking causes around 90% of the cases and if this isn't enough to scare you, smoking can also cause emphysema, chronic bronchitis, heart disease, and high blood pressure. Smoking also can affect blood circulation and the immune system so that smokers may have a tendency to heal slower then non smokers. This reduced circulation also contributes to a higher risk of heart attacks and strokes. For smokers with children, keep in mind that second hand smoke increases the rate of asthma, colds, ear infections and pneumonia in children under 18. The cost of treating smoking related illnesses is estimated to be $167 billion per year in the United States alone with 440,000 Americans will die each year to smoking related illnesses. While these thoughts can be disturbing, woman who smoke have even more to worry about.

The chance of a female smoker developing lung cancer is higher then her male counterpart with more woman now dying of lung cancer then breast cancer. There are also studies that indicate that it is harder for a woman to quit smoking then a man. And smoking and pregnancy is a great concern with over 12% of pregnant woman being smokers. While some woman do quit during pregnancy the statistics show that 70% of women smokers will continue to smoke throughout there pregnancy. This can result in low birth weight, the baby being born addicted to nicotine, and a host of other health related problems for the new born infant. Hopefully all of this information will persuade you that it is time to quit smoking but if not, keep in mind how the changes in society may affect you.

A great many states in American, not to mention numerous countries around the world are beginning to take serious steps to stamp out smoking and the health related cost involved in treating smoking related illness. It is estimated that 70% of Americans now work in a smoke free workplace and this number is sure to rise. In addition to this, many states and countries have or will implement smoking bans in hospitals, restaurants and bars. There are even communities where it is now illegal to smoke anywhere in the neighborhood, including your own home and for renters; some apartment complexes and condominiums have initiated a no smoking neighborhood as well. I realize that these new laws can create a lot of negative emotion and some of them border on violating smokers rights. After all, you should be allowed to smoke in the privacy of your own home or car, even if it is bad for you. But the laws being implemented to ban smoking in public places are being put into affect to protect the health of non-smokers.

Hopefully these facts will make you consider quitting your smoking habit but I suspect that if you are reading this article then you already had at least some desire to quit. Maybe you want to quit and are not sure where to turn but let me tell you that there is help available for somebody that truly wants to quit.

Many smokers want to quit but for some reason have not yet decided to take action. If you want more information about smoking and how to quit, please visit my website at

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Smoke Guide - Quit Smoking

Today, many people are trying to quit smoking more and more. Now, more than ever, people look for ways to quit smoking and seem to fail time and time again. Nowadays, it has become known that smoking doesn’t do you, your self image, or your health any good. However, many years ago these health risks were unknown. Many years ago, smoking was considered to be normal and wasn’t taking that serious when it came to harming ones health.

When we fast forward to the fast paced society of today, smoking has become a health hazard and we are now all made aware of this fact by the many health associations across the world. It is also said that by passive smoking, ones health could it be at risk. For example, lets say in a family home, the mother is a heavy smoker and there are children living in the household. The children will be breathing in this smoke daily and it won’t be doing them any good when it comes to the effect of the smoke on their lungs.

There are many ways to stop smoking and many companies have recently piled up offering natural products that claim to be able to stop someone’s habit when it comes to smoking. There are even alternatives to tobacco and nicotine smokes available, and these are known as herbal cigarettes.

While there are many options available, including various nicotine patches, and now, patches that are claimed as all natural that will get someone off the nicotine addiction, research and doctors advice will be your best bet when it comes to using products to help you quit smoking.

Discover the quit smoking patch we have used with good results - Nicocure review

Jean Helmet is one of the editors at a collection of nutritional and herbal web sites, you can learn more about quit smoking at our web site - Nicocure.

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Where to Buy Tobacco Alternative

What are tobacco alternatives?

Tobacco alternatives are exactly that, substances or products such as herbs to be used as another option. For now we will concern ourselves with herbs, herbal blends, legal buds, and other herbal products.

Why should tobacco alternatives be used? What Are The Benefits?

There are health benefits to using tobacco alternatives, particularly herbs. You will have an easier time breathing. Your hair and clothes will not smell like an ashtray. Your risk of heart attacks are reduced. The risk of stroke, high blood pressure, and clogged arteries is greatly reduced. If you are female, your risk of having a miscarriage, premature or stillborn birth, or a low birth weight baby returns to being about the same as a non-smoker. Your child's future is healthier because children of smoking parents are at risk for health problems as they grow up and into adulthood.

Where can I buy tobacco alternatives?

They can be purchased in smoke shops and herbal smoke shops both off and online. One online herbal smoke shop in particular (see below) offers a wide variety of herbs, herbal products, and accessories to be used with your herbs. They guarantee that their herbs are totally pure. There is no additive, preservative, tobacco, nicotine, or any illegal substance used.

They are very legal in the United States and most of the rest of the free world. They are legal to grow, sell, purchase and use. No one who has used herbs has ever failed a drug test. They further guarantee that their products really work. They can say this for two reasons: they grow their own herbs on a huge reserve in Hawaii and they have thousands of long-term repeat customers many of whom have provided testimonials as to their effectiveness.

Is there anyone who should not use or should be careful in using herb and herbal products?

Yes there some people who should consult their physician before using them. Pregnant or nursing women should not use them or should be extremely careful with them There is not much information on how the herbs could affect a baby in the womb. Those with health conditions and/or are on medications should not use them without their doctor's consent. A rare negative interaction could occur between the herbs and the medication.

If you choose to use them without following these recommendations, it is at your own risk.

Discover the herbal smoke blends we personally use -

After years of research in to herbal blends, we have found that our herbal blends of choice contain some of the most natural and purest herbs in the world, especially when it comes to manufacturing these herbal blends.

Jean Helmet is one of the editors at a collection of nutritional and herbal web sites, you can learn more about herbal smoke at our website - Herbal Smoke Shop.

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Quit Smoking Before Smoking Quits You!

Nature gives everyone just one pair of lungs. They play a pivotal role in respiration, breathing about 18 times in a minute, every minute of everyday. Respiration rids our body of the toxic gas carbon dioxide, which is formed naturally in the body, and takes in life-giving oxygen. Once respiration is stopped, the body quickly shuts down and dies. Most people take breathing for granted and never think about it because it is done so often, involuntarily. But once a bad chest cold or lung disease develops, we are suddenly realize how precious a healthy set of lungs is. Mistreating your lungs by smoking will result in damage of the vital organs, some of which can never be reversed. By deciding not to smoke, you can protect this most important organ.

Cancer and emphysema are two of the major health risks associated with cigarette smoking. Smoking damages the genetic code of a normal cell and can lead to the development of different types of cancers. These damaged cells begin to quickly reproduce and form clumps of cells called tumors. Nutrients and energy are stolen from the rest of the body by these tumors. Some grow large enough to spread throughout the body and can block vital bodily functions. If a stop is not put to this process, death can soon follow. Contrary to popular belief, lung cancer is not the only cancer caused by smoking. New research indicates that cancers of the mouth, throat, pancreas, cervix, kidneys and bladder are linked to smoking as well.

Emphysema destroys a set of lung's ability to contract and expand, and can also be caused by smoking. It damages little air sacs in the lungs (called alveoli) inside of which oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged. This causes a pitted appearance and a charred, blackend gunk develops. This is an example of an effect of smoking that cannot be reversed or fixed. Every breath now is a struggle and the lack of incoming oxygen can cause damage to other organs. This can make even the smallest tasks difficult to complete. Many lives are lost due to emphysema because hearts are overworked and reach a point where they can no longer keep up with the body's demands.

Effects of smoking can be had by not only a smoker, but everyone around him. Contained in secondhand smoke are many of the same toxic substances that are inhaled by the smoker. Secondhand smokers can suffer from the same disease and risks as firsthand smokers. This is just another of many reasons to quit smoking, before smoking quits you!

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Chris Ranvestel - EzineArticles Expert Author

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Free Herbal Samples

How can I obtain some free samples of legal herbs? I would like to try a couple before I make my final choice. Check the herbal smoke shops online. Most have ways you can get those free samples.

In many cases these sites will send free samples with the purchase of something like $25.00 or more. The size of your order will depend on the type of free herbal samples that you get and the amount that you might get. The company will let you know what you can get.

Many companies offer free samples if you buy a particular product. Some companies will provide a variety sampler just so you can try a variety. Still, however, you must purchase something

One online herbal smoke shop sends free samples with most orders. This company (see below), will help you to find the right herbs may offer a very small variety pack for you to try out.

This company stands out for their top quality herbs. They are 100% pure; they have no preservatives and no additives. They do not have any nicotine, tobacco, or any other illegal substances in them.

These herbs are very legal in the United States as well as in various countries around the world. Though they are legal the consequence of using them might not be. If, as in ancient days you use herbs to attain an altered sense of awareness it is likely your judgment will be impaired. It is very strongly recommended that you do nothing that requires a high degree of mental alertness such as driving or operating machinery.

Pregnant or nursing women, people with medical conditions, or who take prescription medications should not use herbs without first conferring with their physicians. Not enough is known about the effects on a woman or her unborn baby. It is possible the herbs can be passed through breast milk and again not enough is known about how it can affect infants.

Those with medical conditions should consult with their doctor to be sure that herbal products will not exacerbate existing health conditions. Along the same lines, those on prescriptions must be careful that using certain herbs won't negatively interact with your medications. If you are approved then this site will help you to discover the right product for you.

Discover the herbal smoke blends we personally use -

After years of research in to herbal blends, we have found that our herbal blends of choice contain some of the most natural and purest herbs in the world, especially when it comes to manufacturing these herbal blends.

Jean Helmet is one of the editors at a collection of nutritional and herbal web sites, you can learn more about herbal smoke at our website - Herbal Smoke Shop.

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5 Tips for Managing Stress after Quitting Smoking

For years nicotine and smoking has had a major effect on a smokers’ life. When encountering stress the first reaction is to go have a cigarette. Nicotine in conjunction with the deep breathing and removing ones self from the situation does prove to be effect while feeling stressed out. In reality two out of three of these things are very helpful and can be done without smoking and are both effective at reducing stress. Here are some additional steps you can take to manage stress after quitting smoking:

1. Relaxation techniques such as meditation, breathing exercises, and massage are good stress relievers and all have benefits when dealing with nicotine withdrawal after quitting smoking.

2. Get plenty of sleep. It is a known fact that not getting enough sleep can affect your health negatively. After quitting smoking it is important to make sure you have the time to get the amount of sleep your body needs. Allowing yourself to get too tired can lead to a relapse.

3. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Many times our own worst critic is ourselves. Try not to beat yourself up for mistakes you make and understand that you are not perfect and that is quite alright. If you do slip and have a cigarette after quitting smoking, quit again and don’t let the guilt or the voices in your head convince you that you can’t do it.

4. Develop an exercising routing daily or every other day. Exercising can be a great stress management tool whether you smoke or not. It is just harder for those that do smoke. By exercising after quitting smoking not only will you be able to manage your stress better it will help your body in the healing process from all those years of smoking. There are many benefits to exercising.

5. Watch what you eat and drink. Your diet plays a major role in both managing stress and quitting smoking. Many people who quit smoking are concerned about weight gain and it just happens that by avoiding alcohol, sugar, and fatty foods not only will you be able to manage stress better but also minimize the amount of weight you gain after quitting smoking.

Overall, one of the best things you can do after quitting smoking and manage stress is to focus on your body and what you put into it. Establishing healthy routines will greatly increase your chances of quitting smoking and help you stay quit.

Jason D is an ex-smoker and publisher of a Quitting Smoking website. Visit for information on the Health Effects of Smoking.

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Chill Herbal Smoking Blend

Chill herbal smoking blend is a blend of several herbs and botanicals. They are designed to provide, for lack of a better word, a "high". Some of these herbs are very familiar and believe it or not they could be in your cabinets.

The herbs used in Chill herbal smoking blend are Mugwort, Catmint, Woodruff, Betony, Blue Lotus, Blue Lily, and Calamus. Galangol saffron, Neel leaves, Brahmi, and Indian Sarsaparilla are also used. Aromatics that are used are Frankincense, Myrrh, Catnip, Passion Flower, Licorice, Sage, Clove Cinnamon, and Wormwood.

The reasons many people choose this particular blend include that it induces an awareness of the sacred. An alternate state of awareness is attained and users report that "You KNOW you are feeling the real thing". The added attraction to this blend is that its effects last a long time.

An interesting fact about the Chill Herbal Smoking Blend is that it is labeled as NOT FIT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION. It is classified and sold as incense. The warning itself should have you thinking about safety of its use.

Pregnant woman should definitely not use this blend because it could very well cause injury to the baby. It can cause premature births and low birth weight babies. The long term effects on children as they grow are not known.

Herbs and botanicals are offered for sale by off and online herbal smoke shops. One such herbal smoke shop (see below) offers 100% pure herbs that are grown on their own reserve in Hawaii. Their herbs are legal in the United States and in most of the rest of the free world. Their product works as is evidenced by the thousands of long term repeat customers and the testimonials they have provided declaring their satisfaction not only with the herbs but the ease of purchase and reasonable shipping time.

Whether it is the Chill Herbal Smoking Blend or other herbs, herb blends or legal buds, care should be taken when under the influence of their effects. Do not drive; operate machinery or anything else that may require clear thinking and quick reflexes. Since your judgment is likely to be impaired, care should be used as to when or where you use them. You use herbs in any form at your own risk.

Discover the herbal smoke blends we personally use -

After years of research in to herbal blends, we have found that our herbal blends of choice contain some of the most natural and purest herbs in the world, especially when it comes to manufacturing these herbal blends.

Jean Helmet is one of the editors at a collection of nutritional and herbal web sites, you can learn more about herbal smoke at our website - Herbal Smoke Shop.

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Free Quit Smoking Products - How Can Free Quit Smoking Products Be Obtained?

There is a wide variety of quit smoking products available on the market. They include patches, gums, and lozenges, medications (prescriptions and over the counter). These come as nicotine based products as well as herbal based products. The herbal products also include herbal chews and All Mint chews.

Free quit smoking products can be obtained in a variety of ways. The manufacturer's in order to get you to use their product may offer you a week's free trial. Their hope is that you will like the product and purchase it. They also count on word of mouth to hawk their products.

Some manufacturers will propose that if you buy a 30 day supply of their product, they will give you 1/2 or 1/3 more free. If you are drawn to this product and you like it, if you need to use something in the future you will choose their product. Orders over $25.00 can get a free gift, usually a sample of product or a larger amount than you first ordered.

Other ways to get free quit smoking products come in the form of rebates in almost any amount. Occasionally the rebate cancels out the purchase price and your product will ultimately be free. Coupons are also available. Although, it is only for say a discount of 5% or more, sometimes they will return the entire purchase price with a valid coupon and receipt.

What kind of products would put out free samples, rebates, and discounts with coupons. Free quit smoking reports, newsletters, and brochures about quitting smoking are free. Books and e-books on quit smoking are also free.

Some software creators will offer a scaled down version of their program for free or the full program to try free for as much as 30 days. The programs are generally interactive self help programs with charts and calendars to mark your progress.

While not technically a product many companies will offer free customer support both for quit smoking support and support directly related to their product. In order to get these freebies you need do your research.

Getting something free is always fun. Websites may offer free samples of products simply for visiting their site or for completing short product surveys. Do your homework and research things. It would be to your advantage and yes the company's advantage as well.

Discover the herbal smoke blends we personally use -

After years of research in to herbal blends, we have found that our herbal blends of choice contain some of the most natural and purest herbs in the world, especially when it comes to manufacturing these herbal blends.

Jean Helmet is one of the editors at a collection of nutritional and herbal web sites, you can learn more about herbal smoke at our website - Herbal Smoke Shop.

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Monday, April 21, 2008

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Friday, April 18, 2008

5 Facts You MUST Understand if You Are Ever Going to Lose Your Belly Fat & Get Six Pack Abs

5 Facts You MUST Understand if You Are Ever Going to Lose Your Belly Fat & Get Six Pack Abs

by Mike Geary - Certified Nutrition Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer (CPT)

1. Many so-called "health foods" are actually cleverly disguised junk foods that can actually stimulate you to gain more belly fat... yet the diet food marketing industry continues to lie to you so they can maximize their profits.

2. Ab exercises such as crunches, sit-ups, and ab machines are actually the LEAST effective method of getting flat six pack abs. We'll explore what types of exercises REALLY work in a minute.

3. Boring repetitive cardio exercise routines are NOT the best way to lose body fat and uncover those six pack abs. I'll tell you the exact types of unique workouts that produce 10x better results below.

4. You DON'T need to waste your money on expensive "extreme fat burner" pills or other bogus supplements. I'll show you how to use the power of natural foods in more detail below.

5. Ab belts, ab-rockers, ab-loungers, and other infomercial ab-gimmicks... they're all a complete waste of your time and money. Despite the misleading infomercials, the perfectly chiseled fitness models in the commercials did NOT get their perfect body by using that "ab contraption"... they got their perfect body through REAL workouts and REAL nutrition strategies. Again, you'll learn some of their secrets and what really works below.

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Got 10 Extra Pounds to Lose in 2 Weeks? - It Can Be Done

Are you trying to get ready for that big wedding or other big event in two weeks time? After much effort and not so spectacular weight loss results, you really want to know how to shed those extra 10 pounds or so. Well the good news is that it can be done, but not by starving yourself.

In order to lose weight fast, you need to focus on losing fat. Fat loss is best achieved by burning fat efficiently. Fat burning is determined by your metabolism. In order to burn fat efficiently all day long, you need to change the way that you consume calories.

Instead of eating 3 large meals each day, you should concentrate on portion control. You need not reduce the total number of calories consumed per day, but you should consume 4, 5 or even 6 small meals each day. This way, your metabolism will get the amount of calories it needs to burn efficiently all day, without having to convert excess calories to fat.

Calorie shifting is another key method of fat loss. Your metabolism will run based on the kind of calories consumed at each meal time for the past three days. To trick your metabolism into burning more calories, you should rotate different types of food through the different meals you consume each day. For example, if you consume more fat today at breakfast, more carbs at your second meal and more protein at your third meal, then tomorrow you can switch the carbs to breakfast, protein to the second meal, and fat to the third meal.

Exercise is another key to fine tuning your metabolism to burn the fat that you need to burn. Aerobic exercise is important, but you also need to get in some regular weight resistance exercise. Weight resistance exercise will help you build the muscle mass that you need in order to burn more calories. As you build a little more muscle mass, you will burn more calories at all times of the day, even while resting or sleeping.

For more information about getting rid of those extra pounds you have to lose in 2 weeks, see this website - How To Lose Fat Quickly

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Quitting Smoking - It's Never Too Late!

If you are struggling with quitting smoking, do not give up, and do not be discouraged. Whether you are a smoker or non-smoker, whether you have tried to quit or not, it is no secret that quitting smoking is incredibly difficult due to the physical and psychological dependences. However, millions of people have accomplished this feat, and success is certainly possible if you are a smoker desiring to quit. By focusing on the physical benefits of kicking this habit, you are more likely to realize that the short- and long-term benefits far outweigh the temporary fleeting pleasures a cigarette produces. It is unbelievable (yet true!) how much healthier your body will become upon smoking cessation. As says, "Your body's ability to mend is beauty to behold!"1

Some smokers are discouraged, believing that smoking has already caused too much damage to their bodies. No matter how long you've been smoking, you will ALWAYS benefit by quitting. The human body is amazingly resilient. According to, "Within the first 20 minutes of quitting, the healing process begins."2 In just a third of an hour, you are already on your way to complete health restoration. One smoker of 25 years described an extensive list of the many benefits that they have enjoyed after having quit only six months before.

A group of recent successful quitters were surveyed about the benefits enjoyed since quitting. Among the responses were not being tired during the day and sleeping soundly at night, being able to smell again, having a clearer complexion, improved resistance to allergies and asthma, sharper thinking, whiter teeth, and simply having the ability to breathe better.

Cardiovascular Benefits

Within only twenty minutes of your last cigarette, you will obtain normal blood pressure and pulse rates. As early as three weeks after quitting, your circulation has improved. Between two weeks and three months of smoking cessation, your risk of experiencing a heart attack has begun to drop, and within a year, your risk of developing coronary heart disease is reduced to less than half that of a smoker. Five to fifteen years later, your stroke risk has dropped to that of a non-smoker. Additionally, after fifteen years (be patient!), your risk of coronary heart disease is now reduced to that of a person who has never smoked.

Respiratory Benefits

Within a mere twelve hours of quitting smoking, your blood oxygen level has increased to normal and the level of carbon monoxide is reduced to normal. After three days, your bronchial tubes have begun relaxing, allowing easier breathing, and your lung capacity is growing. Between one and nine months, sinus congestion, fatigue, and shortness of breath have decreased. At this point, the cilia lining the lungs have re-grown, allowing the body to filter the air it breathes. This keeps the system purer and reduces the risk of infection. After ten years, your risk of developing lung cancer is reduced to half if you had been an average smoker of one pack per day.

Throughout the Body

After only two days of quitting, harmed nerve ending begin to re-grow, and your senses of taste and smell are returning to normal. Only three days are required for your body to be able to test 100% nicotine free. Additionally, 90% of nicotine metabolites have passed from the body through the urinary system. At this point, your body is most likely experiencing the greatest withdrawal (hang on - the worst is almost over!) Within a week and a half to two weeks, your body has adjusted to functioning without the 3,500 chemicals and 500 gases in each puff of smoke. Between three weeks and three months, walking has become easier, and any nagging cough will have disappeared. At the six-month mark, headaches, yellow teeth, bloodshot eyes, yellow skin, gravel voice, and constant stuffy nose have all disappeared. In less than nine months, as a result of the many benefits that the body has already experienced, your overall energy has increased. After ten years, your risk of developing cancers in the mouth, esophagus, and throat have decreased.

Fifteen years after quitting, it is almost as if you had never smoked for many regions of the body. That means a 40 year-old who quits smoking is more likely to be able to enjoy spending time with the grandchildren, travel freely with a spouse, or engage in sports or other activities well after retirement.

Clearly there are immediate and delayed benefits of quitting smoking. While some require much more patience in obtaining the benefits, all the effects of quitting smoking, though not necessarily immediately beneficial or enjoyable, are completely positive. Your body will thank you and reward you with better health and quality of life.

Paul Galla, President Signs-America



Paul Galla, President Signs-America

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Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Lagi di benerin

Lagi di benerin nehhh

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