Monday, June 23, 2008

7 Timeless Stop Smoking Tips to Help You Quit Once and For All

It's no secret that smoking cigarettes poses many serious health risks. However many smokers have searched for a the perfect stop smoking program, only to find themselves flat on their back a short time later, still addicted, and still exposed to the dangerous effects of smoking tobacco.

If you are one of those people, I urge you not to give up on your efforts to quit smoking and not only continue looking for the right program for you, but to develop a back up plan as well to get you through the rougher stages of ending an addiction.

If you are serious about quitting but have had difficulties in the past, try adding these seven Stop Smoking Tips to your stop smoking regiment:

1. Do away with every cigarette and cigarette reminder in the house, including matches and lighters, and get rid of the ashtrays as well.

2. If you feel the need to have something in your mouth, try a straw, toothpick, or my personal favorite, a cinnamon stick. .

3. Chew sugarless gum, suck on candy, or even better, munch on vegetables or find some small object to keep your hands busy.

4. Repetition helps to reinforce bad habits so be sure to readjust your normal routine

5. Get outside more often for fresh air and add some exercise to your regular regimen.

6. Start a new hobby.

7. And finally, if at all possible, connect with others who have become aware of the health risks and are also trying to quit smoking.

Along with the right mindset and a certain amount of determination, a good stop smoking program can help you to kick this nasty habit once and for all. If done while utilizing common sense and reason along with simple techniques as a second line of defense, your chances of success are that much stronger.

Stop smoking with an Electronic Cigarette

Ready for a smoke free life? Watch this video of an Njoy Electronic Cigarette in action. Find out about this a healthier alternative to smoking today!

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Is There A Guaranteed Way To Quit Smoking?

The answer is simple, yes! There are many guaranteed ways to quit smoking. The key is to pick the one that will work for you. Here are some steps to creating success.

First, you must be in the right mind set to successfully quit smoking. If you are going to quit for any other reason than because you really want to, you will fail. So if you don't really want to quit stop reading now.

Second, be prepared! Withdrawal symptoms, such as anxiety, headache, and a persistent cough can be difficult to manage but if you are prepared you can easily overcome them.

If you experience anxiety during the withdrawal stage, walk. Walking increases endorphins which will lower the anxiety level and increase your lung capacity (win, win).

Headaches can be controlled with Tylenol™ or Advil™ and drinking plenty of water. Water will keep you hydrated, decreasing vasoconstriction, which will decrease the amount and severity of the headaches.

Expect a cough in the first couple of weeks while your lungs are cleaning out the toxins and returning to their normal state.

Last, pick the product that will best assist you, with the least amount of side effects, and will guarantee that you will quit smoking.

I am happy to say there is something out there that will guarantee you a way to quit smoking and it is completely natural. It has been so successful that the first 30 days absolutely free and a full 60 day refund if not completely satisfied. How can you beat that? There is absolutely nothing to loose.

To learn more go to:

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Quit Smoking Laser Therapy - Is it a Fraud?

Quit smoking laser therapy has been touted as a simple pain free and successful way to stop smoking. However there is some controversy over laser therapy to stop smoking.

But first, what is quit smoking laser therapy?

Laser therapy to stop smoking has been around for quite a number of years. It is, according to those who practice it, the application of low level laser to the acupuncture points in the body to stimulate the nerve endings which in turn produce endorphins.

And this, it is claimed, is a way to help smokers to kick those cigarettes and stop smoking. The release of endorphins help relieve the stressful effects of nicotine withdrawal and make it easier to kick the tobacco habit. The physical cravings are reduced and the stress of the addiction withdrawal are reduced.

This low level laser treatment is combined with counselling in most cases, and it is the overall treatment which results in tobacco addiction sufferers being able to quit smoking according to those who offer low level laser treatments for stopping smoking.

It is claimed by some practitioners that one half hour laser therapy session can be enough to be successful for getting a large number of people stopping smoking. Others claim no more than a few sessions should be sufficient.

It is, of course, quite expensive to undertake this quit smoking laser therapy, given that the actual amount of face to face time is quite limited.

I don't intend to tell you here whether quit smoking laser therapy works or not. That's for a number of reasons, particularly that I don't have sufficient evidence to tell you either way. However I do intend to alert you to the fact that there is quite some doubt over the technique, and there are those who maintain that it does nothing at all to assist people to quit smoking.

Unfortunately it seems that there is little published and publicly available scientific evidence on the efficacy of using low level laser therapy for stopping smoking. Although the laser clinics claim scientific evidence it is difficult to find any, and they do not offer links on their websites to the papers published by the scientists who have studied this laser therapy. The author has been unable to find any authoritative published studies, and there are plenty of others who claim this lack of any supporting evidence means that, currently at least, laser therapy to stop smoking has to be viewed as unproven.

For example, in 2006, the US consumer advocacy organization Public Citizen petitioned the FDA to stop 5 US quit smoking laser treatment companies from claiming that low level laser therapy is successful in helping people stop smoking. It is not approved by the FDA as an anti smoking treatment, although it is as a pain relief treatment.

And I document on my website a range of other sources all of which suggest that stop smoking laser therapy is a fraud or close to.

Even the companies which market laser therapy will admit to it being "experimental".

For those in the grip of a serious nicotine and cigarette addiction it isn't easy to find a way forward to combat that addiction and to stop smoking successfully. However anyone who opts for laser therapy as a means to stop smoking should understand that it isn't currently scientifically proven to work.

Peter runs a website that looks at the evidence for and against quit smoking laser called the Quit Smoking Laser Therapy Guide. Readers can contribute their own experiences with stop smoking laser therapy on Peters website to aid others in their search for a successful method to stop smoking.

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Polonium - 210 - The Smoking Gun

The deafening silence about Polonium-210 from organizations such as Cancer Research UK has prompted me to have another think about a Very Strange Thing that happened six months ago. More on that in a moment but first we need to take a look at the lucrative and ever expanding chemical fertilizer industry.

The rock mineral apatite, which US farmers are by law obliged to use in the form of phosphate fertilizer, contains radon. One of the resulting products of radon decay is polonium-210, a radioactive substance which ends up on the fine hairs of the tobacco plant and is subsequently inhaled by smokers. Not naturally occurring in tobacco, but it is a deliberately added by-product of the phosphate mining industry.

ny of the many substances found in cigarette smoke can be shown to cause poor health and lead to disease, but laboratory trials consistently and repeatedly demonstrate that the only component that causes lung cancer tumours is polonium-210. The tobacco industry has been fully aware since the 1960’s that cigarettes contain significant levels of polonium-210.

Prior to 1930 and the advent of chemical fertilizers lung cancer was virtually unknown whereas today the incidence is greater than that for heart disease. Between 1938 and 1960, the level of polonium-210 in US grown tobacco tripled as the use of chemical fertilizers increased. The US Surgeon General, C Everett Koop is on record in 1990 stating publicly that tobacco radiation is probably responsible for 90% of tobacco-related cancer.

An awkward discrepancy exists in explaining the increased lung cancer rate from 4 per 100,000 in 1930 to 72 per 100,000 today and rising, despite the 20 percent reduction in tobacco use.

There are four thousand or so substances variously found in different brands of cigarettes. Some of them are added and some occur as a result of burning but the general public is not allowed to know what is added to tobacco despite a 1984 law obliging cigarette manufacturers to release this information.

Health Authority departments may request a list of additives but are forbidden to show this to anyone else.

In December 2006 an anti-smoking campaign funded by the UK Department of Health and promoted by Cancer Research UK was to be shown as a series of advertisements on national television. Programmed to run concurrently with a targeted display of posters across the country and the distribution of beer mats in bar venues, it was suddenly and inexplicably curtailed. Someone made a decision to drop all mention of polonium-210 but to proceed with the remaining material. Why?

When questioned the Department of Health’s response was ‘It would be inappropriate’.

The remaining ads have hard-hitting messages about the dangers of cigarette smoke and the poisonous substances it contains

Department of Health spokeswoman

We are surely entitled to ask why the Department of Health, without a valid explanation would think it ‘inappropriate’ to share information about the single most deadly substance to be found in cigarette smoke.

Could it be that the hitherto rarely mentioned and largely unheard of, but highly radioactive polonium-210 had overnight become worldwide headline news? The graphic illustrations of a painfully slow death by polonium-210 poisoning of the unfortunate Mr Alexander Litvinenko in London was the number one news item in the UK for several days. Would the passive information fed television audience of millions be able to make the connection between the inexorable rise in lung cancer and the polonium-210 content in cigarettes?

Were the tobacco industry chiefs quaking in their boots? Maybe they were – but only for a moment or two. Because our compliant Department of Health obliged and in collaboration with Cancer Research UK deleted all mention of the offending word ‘polonium-210’ from their upcoming anti-smoking campaign.

You didn’t know this? Welcome to the real world of big business ethics.

Elga Mackie writes extensively on the astonishing power of our subconscious mind and the often controversial, thought provoking information about hidden secrets that prevent many people from experiencing perfect health. Copyright 2007 Elga G Mackie - All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Reprint Rights: You may reprint this article as long as you leave all of the links active, do not edit the article in any way, give author name credit and follow all of the EzineArticles terms of service for Publishers

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Try Hypnosis To Help You Quit Smoking

The number of people who smoke is steadily rising. Just as people are starting, even more are trying to stop and even the largest cigarette manufacturer, Phillip Morris, sponsors television advertisements about programs to stop smoking.

For many years hypnosis has been used to help smokers break the habit. Most people may think that hypnosis is used only to entertain audiences by getting hypnotized people to do amusing and odd things. It can also be used to stop bad habits, conquer stress or fears and to learn good habits.

Hypnotism is described as concentrated relaxation by hypnotherapists and they believe that hypnotism allows a person to by pass the conscious mind which they call the gate keeper. The conscious mind judges, grades and edits what people hear and think while the subconscious mind is said to be like a sponge, believing all it hears as being the truth.

Hypnotists therefore believe that using concentrated relaxation will by pass the gate keeper of the conscious mind and feed the subconscious an imagined reality that the person being hypnotized is a non-smoker, thus turning that person into a non-smoker. This reprogramming changes behavior patterns and removes barriers for the conscious mind.

Any person who is willing to give up control of their conscious minds can be hypnotized. Books and tapes are available that teaches self-hypnosis to stop smoking, otherwise a hypnotherapist can be approached for help.

Self-hypnosis takes time and much practice to master and techniques are taught to relax and guide a person through the images that can make stopping to smoke a reality. Certified hypnotherapists can do all this in a single session (sometimes more than one). In addition, the hypnotherapist will also make suggestions regarding specific physical tasks to help to increase success in efforts to stop smoking.

A major concern and complaint by people trying to stop smoking is the increase in stress levels that they experience. Often people who stop smoking gain weight because eating takes the place of smoking as a substitute for the habit. Hypnosis helps with stress reduction and may decrease potential weight gain issues. It will teach new beliefs and attitudes regarding smoking towards eliminating the habit.

Hypnotherapy is similar to a pleasant state of mind experienced during daydreaming and the eventual effect is that a person becomes relaxed and calm, being able to ignore normal environments. While the person is in total control and is able to awaken at any time, this state of mind will increase the ability to speak to the subconscious mind and make dreams turn to reality.

Bob Cotto spent most of his life as a Sr. Sales & Marketing executive. Two years ago his wife of 43 years, Joanne was told that she had 4th stage cancer. Since then, Bob and Joanne have devoted all of their energy to assisting her in maintaining a high quality of life. Find out more about his efforts at his site 4-Ideal-Health.

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Kicking The Smoking Habit Naturally

Smoking is a dangerous habit. There are very natural ways to help kick the smoking habit. Curbing your nicotine cravings can be difficult but nature is the best way to go. Planning, cleaning and supporting your body can get you on the right path! Though many Americans understand the risks of smoking they choose to do it anyway. Nicotine is an addictive drug so powerful that even heroin addicts admit that smoking is harder to quit. Despite the 80% who want to quit they can't drop the habit.

There are 1/3rd of pancreatic carcinoma cases that are due to cigarettes as is most lung cancers. Risk of lung Cancer is greatly elevated depending on the amount and when one started smoking; Smokers have a 5 in 10 chance of getting lung cancer over non-smokers.

Though we don't know a lot about SID or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome it is a little known fact that children with smokers in the house have a much higher chance of dying from it!

Other complications of living with smokers consist of:

* Asthma
* Bronchitis
* Colds
* Ear infection
* Damaged lung development
* Reduced lung functions

Smokers have deficiencies in vitamins such as:

* Vitamin C
* Zinc
* Vitamin A
* and Folic Acid

Though there are many negatives to smoking people find it difficult to stop anyway so let's look at a few ways to kick the habit without using any over the counter medications or unhealthy means:

* Analyze your smoking habits figure out when and why you need each cigarette
* Avoid being around others who smoke
* Learn some deep breathing Exercises- stress is a big factor in getting the urge to smoke
* Detoxify the liver- The liver holds many toxins and detoxifying can curb the crave for nicotine

Detoxifying your body can be an incredible help. The Liver is a meet up place for all the bad addictions of the day. Finding a way to naturally clean out your liver will possibly save you a lot of disappointment. Below are some things to help you clean out your as well as other areas of your body!

* Echinacea- Cleans the nicotine from lymph system and lungs
* Taking Vitamin C will help catch the toxins throughout your body. Taking 1000mg of Vitamin C 4 times a day.
* Primrose Oils
* Sun wellness Chlorella tabs
* Glutamine

These products if taken properly will flush all the toxins through your intestinal tract. Do not eat a lot of junk this will make the craving worse.

A few good Herbs to try in your battle with cravings nicotine or sugar are:

* Ginseng
* Magnesium
* potassium
* Calcium
* and Zinc

Taking other vitamins such as B-complex can only provide more positive results to your quest to quit! Quitting although not an easy task can be accomplished if you set your mind to it and using home remedies can improve your body! Finding the right combination can be difficult at first but definitely worth it when you get it down right!

Darren Williger is an over-caffeinated, low carbohydrate eating, winemaking enthusiast who writes for,, and RemedyZone.Com.

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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Finding Your Alternative Motive to Quit Smoking

Quitting smoking successfully is a mental battle, and to make it through you're going to need an alternative motive to persevere. I know that the mental motivation everyone's telling you to get behind is your health. But I'm sorry to say, that's probably not going to be enough.

There seems to be so much written implying that smokers don't actually know that what they're doing is bad for them. THEY KNOW! And they care. But the cigarettes have more of a hold on them than a long list of health concerns can fix.

You've known smoking is terrible for you for all the years you've spent doing it. If you're under 60, you knew smoking was extremely bad for you before you ever took your first puff. I knew from my very first cigarette to my last, and knowing that never helped me to not smoke.

You know that your health is the most important thing you've got, and is absolutely the most important reason you should and will quit. But knowing that you need to quit for your health isn't going to get you through the first few months. Your mind is going to try all sorts of things on you when you stop smoking. Bargaining, rationalizing, self-pitying, yadda, yadda, yadda. To fight back against that, you need something else to work for, something else to lean on, and something else to get behind.

For me, as simple and inconsequential as it sounds, it was the inconvenience. We were moving to a new building, and the set up of the new place was going to make going outside to smoke a really unpleasant experience. For every cigarette, I'd need to grab my keys, head down two flights of stairs and out the building's front door. Then I'd be out front, on a major, very busy street. I'd been accustomed to hanging out in the secluded back yard of our previous place, and having a nice relaxing cigarette break. Maybe seeing a neighbor or two, but not streams of human and auto traffic. As we prepared to move, I was dreading the new smoking situation, knowing that I was really going to hate standing out there 20 times a day. Then it finally hit me, I didn't have to deal with it. I didn't have to stand out there. Dreading that became my alternative motive, which is what I leaned on during the bad days. I didn't have to smoke. And that's when I finally quit.

I really hate feeling inconvenienced. That's my little quirk. Understanding that little quirk got me through the quitting process.

Anything you seriously hate about your smoking habit can be your alternate motive. It can be big or small. Big, like, you want to make your kids happy, because the fact that you smoke causes them so much stress. Or small, like, you love to travel but long flights are almost unbearable because you have to go so long without smoking. It could be financial, could be social, could be career related, could be concerns about your appearance. Anything that brings up that feeling of dread in your stomach. Take a while and think about that one thing, other than your health, that you really, really hate about smoking. It doesn't matter how pointless or weird it may sound to anyone else. It's just for you, nobody needs to know! You're looking for what ever turns on your "Wait, I don't have to do this" bulb.

When you've found it, hold on to it.

After a day without cigarettes, your brain will start bargaining and rationalizing with you about your health. "If I just have a couple of cigarettes a week, or maybe a day, it will be so much better than before. Right?" "C'mon, a few cigarettes now and then isn't that bad." "Mrs. Forbisher from down the road smoked and she lived to be 97."

But your alternative motive can't be bargained with. You can't rationalize away how your kids feel about your smoking, and you can't cut a deal with the airline to let you smoke on the way to New Zealand. It may be weird, but it's rock solid. Your quirky little alternative motive will help give you the extra mental strength you need to become a non-smoker.

Jenny Keane has been cigarette free for 5 years.

Visit Jenny's site How To Quit Smoking Cigarettes for more advice and tips on quitting.

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Adult Smoking Cessation - You Are Never Too Old to Quit Smoking

There's so much upside that comes as a result of making the decision to quit smoking, even when you think you are too old to try. Adult smoking cessation has many health benefits, namely reducing the risk of illness or premature death due to tobacco smoking related causes.

When you quit smoking, the positive effects begin within minutes of your last cigarette.

After just 20 minutes of not smoking, your blood pressure decreases, your pulse rate drops, and the temperature of your hands and feet increases. I remember those cold hands and feet!!

At 7-8 hours after quitting your carbon-monoxide level in your bloodstream will drop to normal levels, and normal levels of oxygen in the blood will return. This is all after just 8 hours, or one working day.

So this means that for people who currently work in a non-smoking environment for 8 hours a day, and who don't smoke during that time, your body has already achieved these amazing results, and you had no choice! In less than 26 hours, your chance of a smoking related heart attack has decreased, and within 2 days, your nerve endings begin to re-grow and your normal senses (smell and taste) have started to return. Although you may believe that you are too old for adult smoking cessation, your body does not.

These benefits and a lot of others continue to improve and you can only imagine the difference you would be feeling and experiencing after a couple of weeks. The worst of the nicotine withdrawal symptoms subside within the first month. Following that, the focus shifts to learning how to decipher and reprogram the psychological urges to smoke that smokers have built up over the years.

Education is a necessary part of a successful adult smoking cessation program, because when you know what to expect as you move through the process of recovery from nicotine addiction, you'll find you are equipped to handle any hurdles that may occur,leaving you less at risk of relapse.

Clickhere to Quit Smoking Today!

You know that you need to quit smoking, so why not start today? To get a proven blueprint for breaking the smoking habit and greatly increase your odds for success, go to this website:

Note to webmasters and ezine owners: You may use this article on your website, newsletter or ezine as long as you leave the article title, body and resource box unchanged.

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More Ways To Enjoy The Benefits Of Quitting Smoking

Start Exercising Regularly

One thing you can do to help yourself to the benefits of quitting smoking is to start a regular exercise routine. It is a proven fact that exercise is a great substitute for the rush you get from smoking, as high levels of activity release endorphins into your system - so you lose your nicotine cravings and feel great at the same time!

Live a Natural Lifestyle

Another thing you can do is change your lifestyle to one that is more natural. This can include eating more organic foods and reducing your sugar intake, as well as avoiding heavily processed foods. By changing to a more natural lifestyle, you will be treating your overall health, rather than just the addiction to nicotine.

Join A Support Group

Joining a quit smoking support group is another effective way to quit smoking. These groups are like AA for smokers, and provide a place for people who are trying to quit smoking to help each other out with tips and advice. By supporting each other as a group, the chances of everyone succeeding are greatly increased.

The Taper Effect

You might try the taper method. In the taper method, a person gradually decreases the number of cigarettes they smoke by one each day. So if you're a pack a day smoker, then today you would smoke 20 cigarettes, tomorrow 19, the next day 18, and so on and so forth. Eventually you'll be down to zero. The taper method gives your body time to adjust to the lower amounts of nicotine, yet you can still quit in less than a month!

Cold Turkey

Last but not least, there's always the old-fashioned, tried and true cold-turkey method. Although quitting cold turkey can be far more difficult than the other ways to quit smoking, it is still certainly possible, and has worked for thousands of smokers throughout the years.

All of these methods can work -- you just need to find the best one for you. Go to

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My Goodbye Letter To Cigarettes

By Timothy Crawford

Dear Cigarettes,

We've been together for a long time, 13 years off and on I'd say. It's been a love - hate relationship. I know, I know, We've had some good times. I remember when we first met; my roommate introduced us. I noticed how you were always there for him, especially at stressful times. I was envious. I thought you were the friend I'd been missing. I thought I needed someone with me for the tough times. So, I started getting to know you. The funny thing is I didn't like you much at first. You gave me a headache. I vowed to never get with you on a permanent basis. So much for that vow, before I knew it you'd won me over. I became a smoker. And it was good....for about 2 seconds.

The way I see it, this relationship is a sucker's deal. It's all bad on my end. Oh sure, I pay out the ash for you, but what do I get in return? Nothing! Oh I forgot, I get to age faster, I get yellow teeth, my clothes stink, my lungs clog, my sinuses congest, my wallet's lighter, my wife complains and my son ask sensitive grown-up questions he shouldn't have to ask. You aren't any good for me. So I've made a big decision honey. Oh Yes, it's come to this....

I quit you! Don't look at me like that. Stay over there. Get your hand off my knee. I'm serious! I mean it. I need to show my son that his dad can kick this stupid habit. I'm tired of smelling like an ashtray. I'm tired of stinking up the house with you, fidgeting on long-drives, having to excuse myself during family-time just to spend time with you. You're not worth it. It's disgusting what I've let you turn me into. I'm better than that. Besides; some friend you are?!? You're killing me!

Okay, okay, the last couple of days without you have been a battle, but it's a battle I'm going to win. I'm in this for the long haul. There will be no taking you back. How do I feel? Baby, I feel good, real good. Smell this shirt. What do you smell? Cologne. Not smoke! See, I feel free and no matter how much you urge and beg I'm never going back to you. You've stole enough from me: My Health, My Money and most of all My Time. Good riddance, Butt Head! It's over. You're history!


Timothy Crawford - A Non-Smoker

Timothy Crawford is a professional copywriter, consultant, inspirational speaker, writer and all around creative media guru. For more tips visit his website at: ( marketing and advertising book reviews go to: my advertising, marketing and copywriting blog go to:

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