Friday, October 31, 2008

What Happens to Your Body When You Stop Smoking?

As any smoker can verify, giving up - and staying smoke-free - is one of the most difficult things to do. But if you can successfully give up smoking, it is not only one of the healthiest steps you can take, it also decreases your chances of dying from smoking or any related diseases. An estimated 400,000 Americans die every year from the effects of smoking and in general, a smoker has about twice as much chance of a heart attack as a non-smoker.

Smoking actually affects almost every part of the body - not just the heart and lungs, as is commonly believed - and the effects of stopping smoking can be dramatic and sudden. However, the human body is amazingly resilient and will begin to heal itself almost immediately. If you have some idea of what to expect after you quit smoking, it's perhaps a little bit easier to deal with the effects.

Just twenty minutes or so after smoking their last cigarette, a person's blood pressure will return to normal and after just two days of being smoke-free, the chances of having a heart attack will be reduced. The heart and lungs will begin to repair the damage caused to them by smoking. And after two days, a person who has just stopped smoking may also notice that their sense of smell and taste is more heightened - and may want to eat more, as food tastes better.

Immediately after quitting, a smoker may also experience some unpleasant symptoms which are perfectly normal - sore gums, coughing, irregularity and a temporary weight gain, which is caused by the body retaining fluids. Many ex-smokers also feel irritable or tired or find it difficult to sleep. It might make you feel better to know that these are all signs of nicotine being removed from your body - most of it will have gone completely within several days.

You will also have nicotine withdrawal symptoms and it's during the first few days and weeks after quitting that you will have to fight the urge not to smoke. Symptoms of nicotine withdrawal often resemble a mild dose of the flu and can include any or all of the following - irritability, insomnia or fatigue, headache, sore throat, tightness in the chest, dry mouth and lack of concentration. These symptoms can be unpleasant - but they will pass.

After a few weeks, the worst symptoms of nicotine withdrawal will start to diminish and the whole process should become easier. You will find that circulation improves and you may also find that walking and exercising are easier as your body readjusts to its new and healthier state. You will still probably have the occasional craving for a cigarette, but after a few weeks, it is a little bit easier not to give in.

The noticeable effects on your body will continue during the first year or so - sinus congestion and coughing will decrease and you should find that you generally have more energy than when you smoked. The cilia, or tiny hairs, start to grow back in the lungs, helping to clean the lungs, processing mucus produced by the body and generally reducing the chances of infection. However, you will have to wait an estimated fifteen years before your chance of developing coronary heart disease is the same as that of a person who has never smoked.

Of course, the longer you are smoke-free, the easier it is to stay that way. After a few months or so, the physical longings for a cigarette will have diminished to a large extent, although you need to be careful not to lapse and have just one cigarette, which may then lead to another. And the long term effects of giving up smoking are something that should not be taken for granted - a far lower chance of getting cancer or heart disease and perhaps just as importantly, a feeling of accomplishment and pride.

If you need a little help achieving this goal - you can find further tips on stopping smoking

Paul is a founder member of the site dedicated to assisting smokers that find it just that little bit too hard.

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3 Ways to Help You Quit Smoking and Drop the Habit

Smoking is addictive and life threatening, but that does not stop millions of men and women from sneaking a puff in times of stress and anxiety. According to the latest statistics from The American Heart Organization, there are an estimated 25.9 million men and 20.7 million women who are smokers.

Scary statistics? Yes they were meant to be! And you don't get off that easy! If you are a smoker you aren't just damaging your own health with your habit, but it's also affecting your family members, friends, and colleagues who have to deal with inhaling your secondary cigarette smoke. People who breathe in secondary smoke from smokers are called passive smokers, and are equally susceptible to different types of cancers caused by the smoke.

So don't you think its time to stop smoking? Smoking no longer enjoys any social acceptance, and you are more likely to be labeled a pariah for it. Excuses wont do. It's going to be difficult, and you might lose hope and start the habit again, but unless you try, you wont succeed. You don't have to be part of the statistics and fall victim to lung cancer. It does not matter if you have been smoking for one year, or for 50 years, it's never late to quit. You can always reduce the risk of cancer, and improve your over all health.

Here are 3 tips to help you quit smoking:

1. Support - Having the proper amount of support is certainly going to help you with the process of quitting. It can be extremely difficult to quit smoking with out friends and family there to support you. Reach out to your family, explain to them what you are trying to accomplish, and ask them for support. You want to gain as much support from as many people as possible.

2. Hangout With The Right Friends - Sometimes friends are the reason you start smoking in the first place. You have to surround yourself with non-smokers, or at least ask your smoking buddies not to smoke around you. You need friends that will help you reach your goals, not ones that will hold you back from reaching them.

3. Motivation - Staying motivated is a must. You can never loose sight of your main goal, which is to quit smoking for good. On a piece of paper, write down all the reasons why you want to quit smoking. Carry the paper with you on a daily basis. Every time you feel the need to smoke, go over the list. Doing this will help you stay motivated, and not have a relapse.

By following the 3 tips above, you will be better prepared in fighting your addiction with nicotine. Be sure to take it easy in the beginning, you can start off by smoking a couple of cigarettes less each day, and eventually stop smoking in its entirety. It's never easy to quit, but with the right attitude it can be accomplished. Try to keep yourself busy, have fun, and never give up.

Henry Resic has a blog about Ways To Quit Smoking where you will find advice on natural Ways to quit smoking plus other great stop smoking methods.

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How I Stopped Smoking

I'm a non smoker. I used to be a smoker. I quit smoking. I did it myself. It's possible!

Hello, My soon to be Ex-smoker friend.

I want to tell you how I managed to stop smoking all by myself. if you haven't done so yet, or having hard time doing it, pay close attention.

If you have a loved one who has trouble quitting smoking, let him read this.
I used to smoke 1/2 to 1 pack a day, I know, it's not as many as 2 packs a day, but it's the same addiction. Ask any doctor. I knew I must stop, But as a lot of smokers have done before me, I was full of excuses such as "I can stop when I'll want to" or "It's not an addiction, I just like it". well it is. And I Found that it is when I first decided to stop... The will for the cigarette didn't let go.

I tried a few times to just leave those cancer sticks alone, but they found their way back to me every time. So I decided to ACT! First, I started to read all about the dangers of smoking, and I started to read about the facts, the effects, the diseases.

When people tell you to stop, it's so transparent, because you're already used to hear the same things over and over again: "It's not good for your heart", "Do you want to get lung cancer?" and such.

But when you read about the true statistics and hazards, and read a lot of articles about it, and see pictures and videos about how people looked just a month earlier, and how they look now... just a month after starting to get treated for lung cancer... It does it's impact.

I won't bother you too much this time, but I would like you to think about it. it's important to take the first step NOW!

Just remember, The first step is CONVINCING YOURSELF that it's really important to quit, And that it must be done NOW.

I wish you Good Luck and an easy quitting!

Read more about smoking facts and smoking effects as well as additional smoking tips on Some-Smoking-Facts (SSF) Website.

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Saturday, September 6, 2008

Women Targeted by Cigarette Companies

It is a known fact that cigarettes deliver a steady dose of some very hazardous chemicals with some famous adverse side effects. Smoking will always put your health at risk, but women will find that are more complications for them than for their male counterparts. The worst part of the nicotine addiction for women is the way in which cigarette companies continue to target women and girls through advertising. Ad campaigns typically infer that smoking constitutes the identity of slim, attractive, independent women. The manner in which these companies glamorize smoking encourages new generations of women to get hooked.

Cigarette companies bank on the social pressures put on women to generate continued sales. Girls and women are pressured to smoke by the image that advertisements project: a woman who smokes is shown as a thin, confident, free-thinking and beautiful person. She is dressed sumptuously or trendy-- and no matter what she wears, it seems like she is always catching the eye of men, or being the life of the party. The general impression is that all these social benefits are derived from the simple act of lighting up a cigarette.

Part of cigarette marketing takes steady aim at women "quitters" who may be ready to relapse. The reasons for women to restart their smoking habit are quite different from men's-- women start smoking again to manage stress, control weight and distract from other negative emotions. How can someone resist cigarettes when they are advertised as the ultimate image booster?

Cigarette companies may show you photos of beautiful women, but the truth of the matter is this:

* It is estimated that cigarette smoke kills 178,408 women annually in the United States.
* 90% of all lung cancer deaths can be attributed to smoking-in 1987, lung cancer deaths among women outnumbered breast cancer fatalities.
* Women age 35 or older who currently smoke are 12 times more likely to face an early death due to lung cancer than their non-smoking peers. In this year (2007), an estimated 70,880 women will perish from lung or bronchus cancers.
* It has been proven that smoking is directly responsible for 80% of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) cases. For the past three years, the number of women who died from COPD has outnumbered the number of men who died from the same disease.
* If you smoke during pregnancy your baby can suffer a multitude of health problems. Smoking prevents 25% of the normal amount of oxygen from reaching your baby.
* If you are a woman, 35 or older, who currently smokes, you are 10.5 times more likely to die from emphysema or chronic bronchitis than your non-smoking peers.
* Smokers in their 40's tend to look as old as non-smokers in their 60's because of the increased amount of skin wrinkling, greyish skin tone, staining on the teeth and yellowing of nails.
* After initially quitting, women may experience temporary weight gain-- BUT after a short period of time it will naturally level out to a normal weight.
* Women who smoke a 50% more likely to grow facial hair-- this was proven as part of a study on how smoking affects hormone levels in women.

The good news:

* A recent study found that middle aged women and men with mild or moderate COPD had dramatically improved breathing after they quit smoking.
* Women who quit smoking had twice the improvement in lung function after one year than men who had quit.
* In 2003, 49.9% of female smokers tried to quit smoking for at least one day.

A few things to keep in mind

1. Quitting is tough and requires you to really make up your mind and be determined to stop smoking-- but it IS possible if you put your mind to it!

2. Cigarette companies are counting on your nicotine addiction to put money in their pockets-- think of all the things you could do for yourself with that extra couple bucks that would normally go towards a pack of smokes! You could treat yourself to a manicure on a couple days' worth of cigarettes! Honestly, it's time to throw away the habit and reward yourself whenever you hit another "quit milestone"!

3. If you are feeling sad or stressed, don't let cigarettes be a stand-in for your security blanket. Cigarette companies are betting on the fact that it's tougher for women to quit! Don't let them have the upper hand!

4. Don't forget to believe in yourself! You CAN do it!

Isn't it time that you became the truly independent, healthier, more beautiful woman you've always wanted to be? Set a "quit date" and take your first step towards a better lifestyle!

Visit My Air Purifier for straight talk and no hype about what air purifiers and air cleaners work best for allergies, asthma, smoke removal and more. We specialize in both commercial and residential air cleaners and purifiers.

Get fast, friendly advice from a certified indoor air quality professional.

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5 Tips to Lose 30 Lbs With Idiot Proof Diet

While on the Idiot Proof Diet one of these 5 tips WILL apply to you while on the plan. This list was compiled from people already on the diet that have run into these specific questions. Follow the diet exactly you WILL lose at least 7-9 pounds your first 11 days.

Tip 1. Follow The Program To The Letter

Do not eat anything not on the menu or mix foods from meals after the diet has been generated Make sure to avoid the 10 foods mentioned in the Diet Handbook

Do NOT skip meals. This is very important. This diet is set up using the science behind calorie shifting and if you skip a meal it defeats the whole purpose Make Sure to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water while on this diet. This will help.

Tip 2. Cheat During The 3 DAY Cheat Cycle

This is in the top 3 questions. Everyone says I just lost 8 pounds in 11 days and now I'm supposed to cheat for 3 days straight!" Most peoples logic and emotions are telling them that since they had so much success they will keep dieting for those 3 cheat days and lose even more weight. Or they don't want to gain back the weight they lost. TRUST ME! You aren't going to gain it back.

If you just can't stomach it at least cheat for 2 days.

Tip 3. Moderately Exercise to Accelerate Your Weight Loss (optional)

This can be a big one in increasing the amount of weight you lose. By exercising you build muscle which burns fat. Your body obviously will also look much more toned and fit. You don't have to use weights. When I was calculating how people who exercised lost more weight this included people who just walked or jogged regularly at least 4 times per week.

Tip 4. Change Around the Menu

Some people are not choosing the maximum amount of food choices from each side of the Diet Generator. Some people may get bored with their menu that was generated and not realize that they are able to go back and generate a new menu with different foods! As long as when you generate a new menu you pick back up on the same day you left off on the old menu you are fine.

Example: you are on day 6 of your 11 day diet cycle. You are getting tired or don't want the food you originally picked. You can go pick new foods and generate a new menu. When the new menu is generated you would pick up on day 6 where you left off! Its that simple. So remember choose the required amount of food and make sure you stick to it!

Tip 5. Only Weigh Yourself at the End of the 11 day Cycle

This one is a tough one. The first thing we want to do when we start feeling better is start weighing ourselves every chance we get. Try not to fall into this trap. There are MANY variables that can affect weight loss in a short timeframe. You may weigh 3 days into the diet and you're down 3 pounds and weigh yourself on day five and only be down 1. This is NOT an accurate reflection of your weight loss journey. So if you want to save yourself from unnecessary disappointment wait until the 11th day like you're supposed to and weigh yourself then.

Want to be 30lbs lighter next month? See before and after pictures of EXACTLY how Phil did it using the Idiot Proof diet at Idiot Proof Diet

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Philip Hixonn - EzineArticles Expert Author

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Steps to Quit Smoking

To quit smoking is something not everybody can do with lot of success in the first try. But if you see and understand the benefits, you can simplify this seemingly overwhelming task. Just make a list of negative attributes related to smoking that you really dislike and keep that list handy so that you will be continually reminded of it. You can make use of Nicotine replacement therapy or other stop-smoking aids to deal with the various withdrawal symptoms that curse smokers in first few crucial and most difficult days of all. Other important methods that can assist you to ease the pain during these hard times are:

* Get a partner who is set to join your plan to quit smoking cigarettes with you. You may feel better just knowing that there is somebody you know who is going through the same thing may help to alleviate a lot of pain.
* Try placing your cigarettes in hard to reach places to make it as tiresome as possible. Keep them at unusual places like at the top of cupboard, in your car, etc.
* Delaying the gratification for long periods of time and frequently will result altering your state of mind. So try and put off that initial cigarette of the day, you will certainly see a change extremely soon.
* Once your target date is close throw away any reminder you have of cigarettes such as ashtrays, lighters, cigarette cases, and so on.
* Remember however, there is a chance that you may not succeed at first but you will if you identify how to try once more and not give up. Do not use any short cuts.
* Just consider, take one day at time and assure yourself that you will not smoke. And tomorrow will look out itself.
* Try finding a hobby; anything will work as long as it keeps you active and especially away from thoughts of cigarettes.
* Talk to people who have gone through or are going through the same quitting stage, you'll feel good about yourself as well as make yourself understand it's well worth it.

Always remember why you smoked and the reasons you want to quit, it will keep you on track. Some very important advice would be to write down why you want to quit smoking, carry this list with you everywhere you go and refer to it several times daily. This will keep you focused and hopefully, cigarette-free.

For more information about Quitting Smoking visit where you will learn valuable tips on how to and available tools and aids to help you become a healthy, successful non-smoker.

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How to Get Ready Mentally to Stop Smoking

Before you can stop-smoking, you need to mentally prepare yourself. Many people who try to stop-smoking fail because they have not been mentally prepared for the challenge that lies ahead.

Cigarette smoking is one of the most addictive substances there are. It does nothing to add to your life. It had a foul odor, stinks up the house and your clothes, yellows your teeth and causes wrinkles around your mouth.

On top of that, it is very unhealthy. It weakens your immune system and leads to diseases such as cancer. It is one of the leading causes of heart disease, diseases of the circulatory system and lung cancer. Clearly, there is no good reason to smoke. There are, however, many good reasons to stop-smoking.

One thing that you can do to mentally prepare to stop-smoking is to tell friends and family of your plans to quit the habit. Many people will feel uncomfortable failing in front of family and friends.

They will not want anyone to know that they were unable to stop-smoking. This is one good reason to tell people. In addition to wanting to improve your health, you will not want to seem like a failure to friends and family, so you might stick with it. This can help you over a craving for a cigarette or two.

Another thing that you can do to mentally prepare to stop-smoking is make some changes in your lifestyle. If you go to a bar or bingo hall every week where there is smoking and all of your friends smoke, are you going to be able to handle this without having a cigarette?

You might want to stay away from those places for a month or so and go to a fitness center instead. Here you will be able to exercise, which will be even more beneficial to your health, instead of being tempted to smoke.

If you live in a state where there are strict anti-smoking laws, it is easier to stop-smoking. You will not be tempted to light up in a bar or anywhere else because these states have no smoking inside ordinances.

If you live in an area where smoking inside of commercial buildings is still legal, you may have to avoid places where you used to go to smoke, just until you have succeeded.

It can be very difficult to stop-smoking, but far from impossible. Each year, millions of people accomplish this task and break free from the nicotine prison that they are in. They generally go on to lead healthier lives.

Need to Stop Smoking? Check out for all your free articles on How Exercise Can Make You Stop Smoking and much more.

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4 Effective Types of Stop Smoking Aids

Because giving up smoking is known to be a challenging task, many people try to stop smoking by using stop smoking aids. There are a lot of these stop smoking aids such as patches, pills, gums, inhalers, and natural remedies available on the market.

The most widely known and perhaps most popular of the various stop smoking aids is the nicotine patch. It is available over the counter in the pharmacy. Designed to deliver a dose of nicotine via a patch, it is intended to lessen withdrawal symptoms while the individual tries to stop smoking.

The nicotine patch can be an invaluable aid to smokers dealing with the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal, including anxiousness, nervousness, irritableness, sleeplessness, headache, and cravings. The patch cannot eliminate all of the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal, but there is evidence that it can alleviate some of them effectively. In order to succeed, one must wear the patch every day for approximately three months. It's said that one out of every five smokers is able stop smoking using the patch if they are committed to quitting. However, some people experience side effects such as skin irritation and difficulty with sleeping.

Buproprion, or Zyban, is one drug many people use to help them quit smoking. This pill is an antidepressant and is actually used for people who are clinically depressed. It has been proven, however, that this pill will help people trying to quit smoking, because it helps to suppress withdrawal symptoms from nicotine. In some clinical studies, Zyban was twice as effective at helping stop smoking as the nicotine patch. In addition, you cannot become addicted to it, and it is easy to use. Although side effects may include insomnia and dry mouth, Zyban is worth trying.

Nicotine inhalers and nicotine gum are examples of other stop smoking aids. Nicotine gum assists people in their quest to quit by keeping their mouths busy and delivering small doses of nicotine to ward off intense cravings. Some people are hesitant to quit smoking because of the possibility of large weight gain. In such cases nicotine gum is the most useful option as helps ward off cravings without weight gain. Nicotine gum is chewed like other gums and may be used for about 12 weeks to wean off nicotine addiction.

Nicotine inhalers are stop smoking aids that allow smokers to take a nicotine dose whenever they feel it's necessary. The inhaler imitates the nicotine effects of smoking, and helps make quitting smoking easier for those trying to stop smoking. Throat and mouth irritation are some of the side effects.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that no matter which stop smoking aids a person uses, they are only effective when the person is committed to quitting. Their effectiveness is determined by how dedicated a person is to stopping smoking. The only true way a smoker will be able to stop smoking is their own inner drive and motivation.

While aids like patches, pills, gum, and inhalers that contain nicotine can help people quit, nothing will help a smoker stop for good except for their desire to stop smoking.

Are you searching for an effective method to stop smoking? There are a ton of products and systems that claim to be the best at showing you how quit smoking but how do you know which is junk? Visit the How To Quit Smoking website at to learn more about the most effective ways to get that monkey off your back.

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Monday, June 23, 2008

7 Timeless Stop Smoking Tips to Help You Quit Once and For All

It's no secret that smoking cigarettes poses many serious health risks. However many smokers have searched for a the perfect stop smoking program, only to find themselves flat on their back a short time later, still addicted, and still exposed to the dangerous effects of smoking tobacco.

If you are one of those people, I urge you not to give up on your efforts to quit smoking and not only continue looking for the right program for you, but to develop a back up plan as well to get you through the rougher stages of ending an addiction.

If you are serious about quitting but have had difficulties in the past, try adding these seven Stop Smoking Tips to your stop smoking regiment:

1. Do away with every cigarette and cigarette reminder in the house, including matches and lighters, and get rid of the ashtrays as well.

2. If you feel the need to have something in your mouth, try a straw, toothpick, or my personal favorite, a cinnamon stick. .

3. Chew sugarless gum, suck on candy, or even better, munch on vegetables or find some small object to keep your hands busy.

4. Repetition helps to reinforce bad habits so be sure to readjust your normal routine

5. Get outside more often for fresh air and add some exercise to your regular regimen.

6. Start a new hobby.

7. And finally, if at all possible, connect with others who have become aware of the health risks and are also trying to quit smoking.

Along with the right mindset and a certain amount of determination, a good stop smoking program can help you to kick this nasty habit once and for all. If done while utilizing common sense and reason along with simple techniques as a second line of defense, your chances of success are that much stronger.

Stop smoking with an Electronic Cigarette

Ready for a smoke free life? Watch this video of an Njoy Electronic Cigarette in action. Find out about this a healthier alternative to smoking today!

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Is There A Guaranteed Way To Quit Smoking?

The answer is simple, yes! There are many guaranteed ways to quit smoking. The key is to pick the one that will work for you. Here are some steps to creating success.

First, you must be in the right mind set to successfully quit smoking. If you are going to quit for any other reason than because you really want to, you will fail. So if you don't really want to quit stop reading now.

Second, be prepared! Withdrawal symptoms, such as anxiety, headache, and a persistent cough can be difficult to manage but if you are prepared you can easily overcome them.

If you experience anxiety during the withdrawal stage, walk. Walking increases endorphins which will lower the anxiety level and increase your lung capacity (win, win).

Headaches can be controlled with Tylenol™ or Advil™ and drinking plenty of water. Water will keep you hydrated, decreasing vasoconstriction, which will decrease the amount and severity of the headaches.

Expect a cough in the first couple of weeks while your lungs are cleaning out the toxins and returning to their normal state.

Last, pick the product that will best assist you, with the least amount of side effects, and will guarantee that you will quit smoking.

I am happy to say there is something out there that will guarantee you a way to quit smoking and it is completely natural. It has been so successful that the first 30 days absolutely free and a full 60 day refund if not completely satisfied. How can you beat that? There is absolutely nothing to loose.

To learn more go to:

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Quit Smoking Laser Therapy - Is it a Fraud?

Quit smoking laser therapy has been touted as a simple pain free and successful way to stop smoking. However there is some controversy over laser therapy to stop smoking.

But first, what is quit smoking laser therapy?

Laser therapy to stop smoking has been around for quite a number of years. It is, according to those who practice it, the application of low level laser to the acupuncture points in the body to stimulate the nerve endings which in turn produce endorphins.

And this, it is claimed, is a way to help smokers to kick those cigarettes and stop smoking. The release of endorphins help relieve the stressful effects of nicotine withdrawal and make it easier to kick the tobacco habit. The physical cravings are reduced and the stress of the addiction withdrawal are reduced.

This low level laser treatment is combined with counselling in most cases, and it is the overall treatment which results in tobacco addiction sufferers being able to quit smoking according to those who offer low level laser treatments for stopping smoking.

It is claimed by some practitioners that one half hour laser therapy session can be enough to be successful for getting a large number of people stopping smoking. Others claim no more than a few sessions should be sufficient.

It is, of course, quite expensive to undertake this quit smoking laser therapy, given that the actual amount of face to face time is quite limited.

I don't intend to tell you here whether quit smoking laser therapy works or not. That's for a number of reasons, particularly that I don't have sufficient evidence to tell you either way. However I do intend to alert you to the fact that there is quite some doubt over the technique, and there are those who maintain that it does nothing at all to assist people to quit smoking.

Unfortunately it seems that there is little published and publicly available scientific evidence on the efficacy of using low level laser therapy for stopping smoking. Although the laser clinics claim scientific evidence it is difficult to find any, and they do not offer links on their websites to the papers published by the scientists who have studied this laser therapy. The author has been unable to find any authoritative published studies, and there are plenty of others who claim this lack of any supporting evidence means that, currently at least, laser therapy to stop smoking has to be viewed as unproven.

For example, in 2006, the US consumer advocacy organization Public Citizen petitioned the FDA to stop 5 US quit smoking laser treatment companies from claiming that low level laser therapy is successful in helping people stop smoking. It is not approved by the FDA as an anti smoking treatment, although it is as a pain relief treatment.

And I document on my website a range of other sources all of which suggest that stop smoking laser therapy is a fraud or close to.

Even the companies which market laser therapy will admit to it being "experimental".

For those in the grip of a serious nicotine and cigarette addiction it isn't easy to find a way forward to combat that addiction and to stop smoking successfully. However anyone who opts for laser therapy as a means to stop smoking should understand that it isn't currently scientifically proven to work.

Peter runs a website that looks at the evidence for and against quit smoking laser called the Quit Smoking Laser Therapy Guide. Readers can contribute their own experiences with stop smoking laser therapy on Peters website to aid others in their search for a successful method to stop smoking.

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Polonium - 210 - The Smoking Gun

The deafening silence about Polonium-210 from organizations such as Cancer Research UK has prompted me to have another think about a Very Strange Thing that happened six months ago. More on that in a moment but first we need to take a look at the lucrative and ever expanding chemical fertilizer industry.

The rock mineral apatite, which US farmers are by law obliged to use in the form of phosphate fertilizer, contains radon. One of the resulting products of radon decay is polonium-210, a radioactive substance which ends up on the fine hairs of the tobacco plant and is subsequently inhaled by smokers. Not naturally occurring in tobacco, but it is a deliberately added by-product of the phosphate mining industry.

ny of the many substances found in cigarette smoke can be shown to cause poor health and lead to disease, but laboratory trials consistently and repeatedly demonstrate that the only component that causes lung cancer tumours is polonium-210. The tobacco industry has been fully aware since the 1960’s that cigarettes contain significant levels of polonium-210.

Prior to 1930 and the advent of chemical fertilizers lung cancer was virtually unknown whereas today the incidence is greater than that for heart disease. Between 1938 and 1960, the level of polonium-210 in US grown tobacco tripled as the use of chemical fertilizers increased. The US Surgeon General, C Everett Koop is on record in 1990 stating publicly that tobacco radiation is probably responsible for 90% of tobacco-related cancer.

An awkward discrepancy exists in explaining the increased lung cancer rate from 4 per 100,000 in 1930 to 72 per 100,000 today and rising, despite the 20 percent reduction in tobacco use.

There are four thousand or so substances variously found in different brands of cigarettes. Some of them are added and some occur as a result of burning but the general public is not allowed to know what is added to tobacco despite a 1984 law obliging cigarette manufacturers to release this information.

Health Authority departments may request a list of additives but are forbidden to show this to anyone else.

In December 2006 an anti-smoking campaign funded by the UK Department of Health and promoted by Cancer Research UK was to be shown as a series of advertisements on national television. Programmed to run concurrently with a targeted display of posters across the country and the distribution of beer mats in bar venues, it was suddenly and inexplicably curtailed. Someone made a decision to drop all mention of polonium-210 but to proceed with the remaining material. Why?

When questioned the Department of Health’s response was ‘It would be inappropriate’.

The remaining ads have hard-hitting messages about the dangers of cigarette smoke and the poisonous substances it contains

Department of Health spokeswoman

We are surely entitled to ask why the Department of Health, without a valid explanation would think it ‘inappropriate’ to share information about the single most deadly substance to be found in cigarette smoke.

Could it be that the hitherto rarely mentioned and largely unheard of, but highly radioactive polonium-210 had overnight become worldwide headline news? The graphic illustrations of a painfully slow death by polonium-210 poisoning of the unfortunate Mr Alexander Litvinenko in London was the number one news item in the UK for several days. Would the passive information fed television audience of millions be able to make the connection between the inexorable rise in lung cancer and the polonium-210 content in cigarettes?

Were the tobacco industry chiefs quaking in their boots? Maybe they were – but only for a moment or two. Because our compliant Department of Health obliged and in collaboration with Cancer Research UK deleted all mention of the offending word ‘polonium-210’ from their upcoming anti-smoking campaign.

You didn’t know this? Welcome to the real world of big business ethics.

Elga Mackie writes extensively on the astonishing power of our subconscious mind and the often controversial, thought provoking information about hidden secrets that prevent many people from experiencing perfect health. Copyright 2007 Elga G Mackie - All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Reprint Rights: You may reprint this article as long as you leave all of the links active, do not edit the article in any way, give author name credit and follow all of the EzineArticles terms of service for Publishers

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Try Hypnosis To Help You Quit Smoking

The number of people who smoke is steadily rising. Just as people are starting, even more are trying to stop and even the largest cigarette manufacturer, Phillip Morris, sponsors television advertisements about programs to stop smoking.

For many years hypnosis has been used to help smokers break the habit. Most people may think that hypnosis is used only to entertain audiences by getting hypnotized people to do amusing and odd things. It can also be used to stop bad habits, conquer stress or fears and to learn good habits.

Hypnotism is described as concentrated relaxation by hypnotherapists and they believe that hypnotism allows a person to by pass the conscious mind which they call the gate keeper. The conscious mind judges, grades and edits what people hear and think while the subconscious mind is said to be like a sponge, believing all it hears as being the truth.

Hypnotists therefore believe that using concentrated relaxation will by pass the gate keeper of the conscious mind and feed the subconscious an imagined reality that the person being hypnotized is a non-smoker, thus turning that person into a non-smoker. This reprogramming changes behavior patterns and removes barriers for the conscious mind.

Any person who is willing to give up control of their conscious minds can be hypnotized. Books and tapes are available that teaches self-hypnosis to stop smoking, otherwise a hypnotherapist can be approached for help.

Self-hypnosis takes time and much practice to master and techniques are taught to relax and guide a person through the images that can make stopping to smoke a reality. Certified hypnotherapists can do all this in a single session (sometimes more than one). In addition, the hypnotherapist will also make suggestions regarding specific physical tasks to help to increase success in efforts to stop smoking.

A major concern and complaint by people trying to stop smoking is the increase in stress levels that they experience. Often people who stop smoking gain weight because eating takes the place of smoking as a substitute for the habit. Hypnosis helps with stress reduction and may decrease potential weight gain issues. It will teach new beliefs and attitudes regarding smoking towards eliminating the habit.

Hypnotherapy is similar to a pleasant state of mind experienced during daydreaming and the eventual effect is that a person becomes relaxed and calm, being able to ignore normal environments. While the person is in total control and is able to awaken at any time, this state of mind will increase the ability to speak to the subconscious mind and make dreams turn to reality.

Bob Cotto spent most of his life as a Sr. Sales & Marketing executive. Two years ago his wife of 43 years, Joanne was told that she had 4th stage cancer. Since then, Bob and Joanne have devoted all of their energy to assisting her in maintaining a high quality of life. Find out more about his efforts at his site 4-Ideal-Health.

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Kicking The Smoking Habit Naturally

Smoking is a dangerous habit. There are very natural ways to help kick the smoking habit. Curbing your nicotine cravings can be difficult but nature is the best way to go. Planning, cleaning and supporting your body can get you on the right path! Though many Americans understand the risks of smoking they choose to do it anyway. Nicotine is an addictive drug so powerful that even heroin addicts admit that smoking is harder to quit. Despite the 80% who want to quit they can't drop the habit.

There are 1/3rd of pancreatic carcinoma cases that are due to cigarettes as is most lung cancers. Risk of lung Cancer is greatly elevated depending on the amount and when one started smoking; Smokers have a 5 in 10 chance of getting lung cancer over non-smokers.

Though we don't know a lot about SID or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome it is a little known fact that children with smokers in the house have a much higher chance of dying from it!

Other complications of living with smokers consist of:

* Asthma
* Bronchitis
* Colds
* Ear infection
* Damaged lung development
* Reduced lung functions

Smokers have deficiencies in vitamins such as:

* Vitamin C
* Zinc
* Vitamin A
* and Folic Acid

Though there are many negatives to smoking people find it difficult to stop anyway so let's look at a few ways to kick the habit without using any over the counter medications or unhealthy means:

* Analyze your smoking habits figure out when and why you need each cigarette
* Avoid being around others who smoke
* Learn some deep breathing Exercises- stress is a big factor in getting the urge to smoke
* Detoxify the liver- The liver holds many toxins and detoxifying can curb the crave for nicotine

Detoxifying your body can be an incredible help. The Liver is a meet up place for all the bad addictions of the day. Finding a way to naturally clean out your liver will possibly save you a lot of disappointment. Below are some things to help you clean out your as well as other areas of your body!

* Echinacea- Cleans the nicotine from lymph system and lungs
* Taking Vitamin C will help catch the toxins throughout your body. Taking 1000mg of Vitamin C 4 times a day.
* Primrose Oils
* Sun wellness Chlorella tabs
* Glutamine

These products if taken properly will flush all the toxins through your intestinal tract. Do not eat a lot of junk this will make the craving worse.

A few good Herbs to try in your battle with cravings nicotine or sugar are:

* Ginseng
* Magnesium
* potassium
* Calcium
* and Zinc

Taking other vitamins such as B-complex can only provide more positive results to your quest to quit! Quitting although not an easy task can be accomplished if you set your mind to it and using home remedies can improve your body! Finding the right combination can be difficult at first but definitely worth it when you get it down right!

Darren Williger is an over-caffeinated, low carbohydrate eating, winemaking enthusiast who writes for,, and RemedyZone.Com.

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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Finding Your Alternative Motive to Quit Smoking

Quitting smoking successfully is a mental battle, and to make it through you're going to need an alternative motive to persevere. I know that the mental motivation everyone's telling you to get behind is your health. But I'm sorry to say, that's probably not going to be enough.

There seems to be so much written implying that smokers don't actually know that what they're doing is bad for them. THEY KNOW! And they care. But the cigarettes have more of a hold on them than a long list of health concerns can fix.

You've known smoking is terrible for you for all the years you've spent doing it. If you're under 60, you knew smoking was extremely bad for you before you ever took your first puff. I knew from my very first cigarette to my last, and knowing that never helped me to not smoke.

You know that your health is the most important thing you've got, and is absolutely the most important reason you should and will quit. But knowing that you need to quit for your health isn't going to get you through the first few months. Your mind is going to try all sorts of things on you when you stop smoking. Bargaining, rationalizing, self-pitying, yadda, yadda, yadda. To fight back against that, you need something else to work for, something else to lean on, and something else to get behind.

For me, as simple and inconsequential as it sounds, it was the inconvenience. We were moving to a new building, and the set up of the new place was going to make going outside to smoke a really unpleasant experience. For every cigarette, I'd need to grab my keys, head down two flights of stairs and out the building's front door. Then I'd be out front, on a major, very busy street. I'd been accustomed to hanging out in the secluded back yard of our previous place, and having a nice relaxing cigarette break. Maybe seeing a neighbor or two, but not streams of human and auto traffic. As we prepared to move, I was dreading the new smoking situation, knowing that I was really going to hate standing out there 20 times a day. Then it finally hit me, I didn't have to deal with it. I didn't have to stand out there. Dreading that became my alternative motive, which is what I leaned on during the bad days. I didn't have to smoke. And that's when I finally quit.

I really hate feeling inconvenienced. That's my little quirk. Understanding that little quirk got me through the quitting process.

Anything you seriously hate about your smoking habit can be your alternate motive. It can be big or small. Big, like, you want to make your kids happy, because the fact that you smoke causes them so much stress. Or small, like, you love to travel but long flights are almost unbearable because you have to go so long without smoking. It could be financial, could be social, could be career related, could be concerns about your appearance. Anything that brings up that feeling of dread in your stomach. Take a while and think about that one thing, other than your health, that you really, really hate about smoking. It doesn't matter how pointless or weird it may sound to anyone else. It's just for you, nobody needs to know! You're looking for what ever turns on your "Wait, I don't have to do this" bulb.

When you've found it, hold on to it.

After a day without cigarettes, your brain will start bargaining and rationalizing with you about your health. "If I just have a couple of cigarettes a week, or maybe a day, it will be so much better than before. Right?" "C'mon, a few cigarettes now and then isn't that bad." "Mrs. Forbisher from down the road smoked and she lived to be 97."

But your alternative motive can't be bargained with. You can't rationalize away how your kids feel about your smoking, and you can't cut a deal with the airline to let you smoke on the way to New Zealand. It may be weird, but it's rock solid. Your quirky little alternative motive will help give you the extra mental strength you need to become a non-smoker.

Jenny Keane has been cigarette free for 5 years.

Visit Jenny's site How To Quit Smoking Cigarettes for more advice and tips on quitting.

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Adult Smoking Cessation - You Are Never Too Old to Quit Smoking

There's so much upside that comes as a result of making the decision to quit smoking, even when you think you are too old to try. Adult smoking cessation has many health benefits, namely reducing the risk of illness or premature death due to tobacco smoking related causes.

When you quit smoking, the positive effects begin within minutes of your last cigarette.

After just 20 minutes of not smoking, your blood pressure decreases, your pulse rate drops, and the temperature of your hands and feet increases. I remember those cold hands and feet!!

At 7-8 hours after quitting your carbon-monoxide level in your bloodstream will drop to normal levels, and normal levels of oxygen in the blood will return. This is all after just 8 hours, or one working day.

So this means that for people who currently work in a non-smoking environment for 8 hours a day, and who don't smoke during that time, your body has already achieved these amazing results, and you had no choice! In less than 26 hours, your chance of a smoking related heart attack has decreased, and within 2 days, your nerve endings begin to re-grow and your normal senses (smell and taste) have started to return. Although you may believe that you are too old for adult smoking cessation, your body does not.

These benefits and a lot of others continue to improve and you can only imagine the difference you would be feeling and experiencing after a couple of weeks. The worst of the nicotine withdrawal symptoms subside within the first month. Following that, the focus shifts to learning how to decipher and reprogram the psychological urges to smoke that smokers have built up over the years.

Education is a necessary part of a successful adult smoking cessation program, because when you know what to expect as you move through the process of recovery from nicotine addiction, you'll find you are equipped to handle any hurdles that may occur,leaving you less at risk of relapse.

Clickhere to Quit Smoking Today!

You know that you need to quit smoking, so why not start today? To get a proven blueprint for breaking the smoking habit and greatly increase your odds for success, go to this website:

Note to webmasters and ezine owners: You may use this article on your website, newsletter or ezine as long as you leave the article title, body and resource box unchanged.

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More Ways To Enjoy The Benefits Of Quitting Smoking

Start Exercising Regularly

One thing you can do to help yourself to the benefits of quitting smoking is to start a regular exercise routine. It is a proven fact that exercise is a great substitute for the rush you get from smoking, as high levels of activity release endorphins into your system - so you lose your nicotine cravings and feel great at the same time!

Live a Natural Lifestyle

Another thing you can do is change your lifestyle to one that is more natural. This can include eating more organic foods and reducing your sugar intake, as well as avoiding heavily processed foods. By changing to a more natural lifestyle, you will be treating your overall health, rather than just the addiction to nicotine.

Join A Support Group

Joining a quit smoking support group is another effective way to quit smoking. These groups are like AA for smokers, and provide a place for people who are trying to quit smoking to help each other out with tips and advice. By supporting each other as a group, the chances of everyone succeeding are greatly increased.

The Taper Effect

You might try the taper method. In the taper method, a person gradually decreases the number of cigarettes they smoke by one each day. So if you're a pack a day smoker, then today you would smoke 20 cigarettes, tomorrow 19, the next day 18, and so on and so forth. Eventually you'll be down to zero. The taper method gives your body time to adjust to the lower amounts of nicotine, yet you can still quit in less than a month!

Cold Turkey

Last but not least, there's always the old-fashioned, tried and true cold-turkey method. Although quitting cold turkey can be far more difficult than the other ways to quit smoking, it is still certainly possible, and has worked for thousands of smokers throughout the years.

All of these methods can work -- you just need to find the best one for you. Go to

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My Goodbye Letter To Cigarettes

By Timothy Crawford

Dear Cigarettes,

We've been together for a long time, 13 years off and on I'd say. It's been a love - hate relationship. I know, I know, We've had some good times. I remember when we first met; my roommate introduced us. I noticed how you were always there for him, especially at stressful times. I was envious. I thought you were the friend I'd been missing. I thought I needed someone with me for the tough times. So, I started getting to know you. The funny thing is I didn't like you much at first. You gave me a headache. I vowed to never get with you on a permanent basis. So much for that vow, before I knew it you'd won me over. I became a smoker. And it was good....for about 2 seconds.

The way I see it, this relationship is a sucker's deal. It's all bad on my end. Oh sure, I pay out the ash for you, but what do I get in return? Nothing! Oh I forgot, I get to age faster, I get yellow teeth, my clothes stink, my lungs clog, my sinuses congest, my wallet's lighter, my wife complains and my son ask sensitive grown-up questions he shouldn't have to ask. You aren't any good for me. So I've made a big decision honey. Oh Yes, it's come to this....

I quit you! Don't look at me like that. Stay over there. Get your hand off my knee. I'm serious! I mean it. I need to show my son that his dad can kick this stupid habit. I'm tired of smelling like an ashtray. I'm tired of stinking up the house with you, fidgeting on long-drives, having to excuse myself during family-time just to spend time with you. You're not worth it. It's disgusting what I've let you turn me into. I'm better than that. Besides; some friend you are?!? You're killing me!

Okay, okay, the last couple of days without you have been a battle, but it's a battle I'm going to win. I'm in this for the long haul. There will be no taking you back. How do I feel? Baby, I feel good, real good. Smell this shirt. What do you smell? Cologne. Not smoke! See, I feel free and no matter how much you urge and beg I'm never going back to you. You've stole enough from me: My Health, My Money and most of all My Time. Good riddance, Butt Head! It's over. You're history!


Timothy Crawford - A Non-Smoker

Timothy Crawford is a professional copywriter, consultant, inspirational speaker, writer and all around creative media guru. For more tips visit his website at: ( marketing and advertising book reviews go to: my advertising, marketing and copywriting blog go to:

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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Can diet affect sex drive?

Are you envious when you hear women share juicy sex lives? Is your libido falling faster than the market? Fret not: You can boost your appetite for sex with a little help from The Orgasmic Diet...

People often lose things. Their temper, their sense of humour and at times even their orgasm, especially women! The female orgasm is, in fact, a bigger mystery than the Bermuda Triangle. Numerous studies and column space have been devoted to how the Big O eludes many women.

So, how would you feel if you could train your body to orgasm more easily just by changing your diet?

Yes, that’s exactly what Marrena Lindberg, author of “The Orgasmic Diet: A Revolutionary Plan to Lift Your Libido and Bring You to Orgasm” purports. She claims that consuming certain foods raise levels of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that lights up the brain's pleasure system. For instance, fish-oil supplements, which contain Omega-3 fatty acids, have been shown to boost dopamine, states the author. If you've never had a vaginal orgasm, this diet will definitely change that.

While the Big O Diet certainly paints a brighter picture, what about all the talk of love and emotions that all women want?

After all, isn’t that the greatest turn-on for a woman? Pooja Bedi, actress, says that “for a woman emotional intimacy tends to be an essential prelude to sexual intimacy. The Big O diet tackles the female sexuality from a physical point, balancing the hormones needed to make the earth move”. Even if you are lucky enough to reach orgasm regularly the diet acts as a catalyst.

“You need fat to produce your hormones. Cholesterol is metabolised in the liver, and you get testosterone and estrogen, which you need for your sex drive. If you eat food which will help, you become sexually energized. Then you can access your innate sexual desire and orgasm,” says Ipsita Kapoor, wellness consultant. “There is a feel-good brain chemical which gives signals and sets the clock ticking”.

“I was having problems getting a high after having my first daughter and was longing to have good sex for long. Then I consulted a nutritionist and she suggested the O diet. I was bit taken aback but then when that Big O came, I could feel the difference strongly,” says Urvashi Khanna (name changed on request), senior executive in a reputed MNC. The diet, when followed in the right way with a good balance of all factors ensures high libido and intense sexual responsiveness. So go ahead and rediscover your passion.

Here are three simple steps to get back your libido:

Increase intake of fish oils: Taking substantial daily amounts of two of the active ingredients found in fish oils (eicosapentaenoic acid, or EPA, and docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA).

Control serotonin levels: Cigarettes, coffee, ginseng, ginko and too many starchy carbohydrates can raise the body’s seratonin level. Seratonin, an important brain chemical, enhances alertness, improves mood and makes people feel cheerful.

Increase testosterone: Women need this ‘male’ hormone. The best way to do this is to eat a small portion of protein at every meal, and cut back on starch and sugar – eat non-starchy fruits and vegetables instead.


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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Smoking Facts and Why You Should Quit

A census taken in July of 2004 revealed that approximately 1/3 of the worlds population were smokers which equates to 1.2 billion people. While many developed countries are taking steps to reduce the number of smokers, other places in the world are actually seeing an increase in both the smoking habit and health problems related to it. If you have not yet decided that it's time to quit then here are some facts that may help to persuade you. This article will look at the properties of tobacco, the health affects related to smoking, how smoking affects woman and pregnancy, and the results of the ever increasing smoking bans occurring around the world.

If you are a smoker then you probably think you know what tobacco is because you ingest it on a daily basis. But did you know that the act of burning tobacco actually creates new substances and that cigarette smoke contains over 4,800 separate chemicals with 69 of them being shown to cause cancer. Some of these chemicals are considered so dangerous that they are actually on a list of banned items for placing in landfills. If this makes you think that smokeless tobacco is safe, think again as un-burnt tobacco hosts thousands of chemicals that can destroy your health as well. While everybody realizes that nicotine is the chemical that causes addiction to tobacco, many don't realize that nicotine is more addictive then even cocaine. It is even said by some sources that there is a chemical in tobacco that is more addictive then the nicotine. Now that you have a better understanding of what tobacco is, let's talk about the health affects related to tobacco use and smoking.

While anybody can get lung cancer, it is important to realize that smoking causes around 90% of the cases and if this isn't enough to scare you, smoking can also cause emphysema, chronic bronchitis, heart disease, and high blood pressure. Smoking also can affect blood circulation and the immune system so that smokers may have a tendency to heal slower then non smokers. This reduced circulation also contributes to a higher risk of heart attacks and strokes. For smokers with children, keep in mind that second hand smoke increases the rate of asthma, colds, ear infections and pneumonia in children under 18. The cost of treating smoking related illnesses is estimated to be $167 billion per year in the United States alone with 440,000 Americans will die each year to smoking related illnesses. While these thoughts can be disturbing, woman who smoke have even more to worry about.

The chance of a female smoker developing lung cancer is higher then her male counterpart with more woman now dying of lung cancer then breast cancer. There are also studies that indicate that it is harder for a woman to quit smoking then a man. And smoking and pregnancy is a great concern with over 12% of pregnant woman being smokers. While some woman do quit during pregnancy the statistics show that 70% of women smokers will continue to smoke throughout there pregnancy. This can result in low birth weight, the baby being born addicted to nicotine, and a host of other health related problems for the new born infant. Hopefully all of this information will persuade you that it is time to quit smoking but if not, keep in mind how the changes in society may affect you.

A great many states in American, not to mention numerous countries around the world are beginning to take serious steps to stamp out smoking and the health related cost involved in treating smoking related illness. It is estimated that 70% of Americans now work in a smoke free workplace and this number is sure to rise. In addition to this, many states and countries have or will implement smoking bans in hospitals, restaurants and bars. There are even communities where it is now illegal to smoke anywhere in the neighborhood, including your own home and for renters; some apartment complexes and condominiums have initiated a no smoking neighborhood as well. I realize that these new laws can create a lot of negative emotion and some of them border on violating smokers rights. After all, you should be allowed to smoke in the privacy of your own home or car, even if it is bad for you. But the laws being implemented to ban smoking in public places are being put into affect to protect the health of non-smokers.

Hopefully these facts will make you consider quitting your smoking habit but I suspect that if you are reading this article then you already had at least some desire to quit. Maybe you want to quit and are not sure where to turn but let me tell you that there is help available for somebody that truly wants to quit.

Many smokers want to quit but for some reason have not yet decided to take action. If you want more information about smoking and how to quit, please visit my website at

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Smoke Guide - Quit Smoking

Today, many people are trying to quit smoking more and more. Now, more than ever, people look for ways to quit smoking and seem to fail time and time again. Nowadays, it has become known that smoking doesn’t do you, your self image, or your health any good. However, many years ago these health risks were unknown. Many years ago, smoking was considered to be normal and wasn’t taking that serious when it came to harming ones health.

When we fast forward to the fast paced society of today, smoking has become a health hazard and we are now all made aware of this fact by the many health associations across the world. It is also said that by passive smoking, ones health could it be at risk. For example, lets say in a family home, the mother is a heavy smoker and there are children living in the household. The children will be breathing in this smoke daily and it won’t be doing them any good when it comes to the effect of the smoke on their lungs.

There are many ways to stop smoking and many companies have recently piled up offering natural products that claim to be able to stop someone’s habit when it comes to smoking. There are even alternatives to tobacco and nicotine smokes available, and these are known as herbal cigarettes.

While there are many options available, including various nicotine patches, and now, patches that are claimed as all natural that will get someone off the nicotine addiction, research and doctors advice will be your best bet when it comes to using products to help you quit smoking.

Discover the quit smoking patch we have used with good results - Nicocure review

Jean Helmet is one of the editors at a collection of nutritional and herbal web sites, you can learn more about quit smoking at our web site - Nicocure.

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Where to Buy Tobacco Alternative

What are tobacco alternatives?

Tobacco alternatives are exactly that, substances or products such as herbs to be used as another option. For now we will concern ourselves with herbs, herbal blends, legal buds, and other herbal products.

Why should tobacco alternatives be used? What Are The Benefits?

There are health benefits to using tobacco alternatives, particularly herbs. You will have an easier time breathing. Your hair and clothes will not smell like an ashtray. Your risk of heart attacks are reduced. The risk of stroke, high blood pressure, and clogged arteries is greatly reduced. If you are female, your risk of having a miscarriage, premature or stillborn birth, or a low birth weight baby returns to being about the same as a non-smoker. Your child's future is healthier because children of smoking parents are at risk for health problems as they grow up and into adulthood.

Where can I buy tobacco alternatives?

They can be purchased in smoke shops and herbal smoke shops both off and online. One online herbal smoke shop in particular (see below) offers a wide variety of herbs, herbal products, and accessories to be used with your herbs. They guarantee that their herbs are totally pure. There is no additive, preservative, tobacco, nicotine, or any illegal substance used.

They are very legal in the United States and most of the rest of the free world. They are legal to grow, sell, purchase and use. No one who has used herbs has ever failed a drug test. They further guarantee that their products really work. They can say this for two reasons: they grow their own herbs on a huge reserve in Hawaii and they have thousands of long-term repeat customers many of whom have provided testimonials as to their effectiveness.

Is there anyone who should not use or should be careful in using herb and herbal products?

Yes there some people who should consult their physician before using them. Pregnant or nursing women should not use them or should be extremely careful with them There is not much information on how the herbs could affect a baby in the womb. Those with health conditions and/or are on medications should not use them without their doctor's consent. A rare negative interaction could occur between the herbs and the medication.

If you choose to use them without following these recommendations, it is at your own risk.

Discover the herbal smoke blends we personally use -

After years of research in to herbal blends, we have found that our herbal blends of choice contain some of the most natural and purest herbs in the world, especially when it comes to manufacturing these herbal blends.

Jean Helmet is one of the editors at a collection of nutritional and herbal web sites, you can learn more about herbal smoke at our website - Herbal Smoke Shop.

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Quit Smoking Before Smoking Quits You!

Nature gives everyone just one pair of lungs. They play a pivotal role in respiration, breathing about 18 times in a minute, every minute of everyday. Respiration rids our body of the toxic gas carbon dioxide, which is formed naturally in the body, and takes in life-giving oxygen. Once respiration is stopped, the body quickly shuts down and dies. Most people take breathing for granted and never think about it because it is done so often, involuntarily. But once a bad chest cold or lung disease develops, we are suddenly realize how precious a healthy set of lungs is. Mistreating your lungs by smoking will result in damage of the vital organs, some of which can never be reversed. By deciding not to smoke, you can protect this most important organ.

Cancer and emphysema are two of the major health risks associated with cigarette smoking. Smoking damages the genetic code of a normal cell and can lead to the development of different types of cancers. These damaged cells begin to quickly reproduce and form clumps of cells called tumors. Nutrients and energy are stolen from the rest of the body by these tumors. Some grow large enough to spread throughout the body and can block vital bodily functions. If a stop is not put to this process, death can soon follow. Contrary to popular belief, lung cancer is not the only cancer caused by smoking. New research indicates that cancers of the mouth, throat, pancreas, cervix, kidneys and bladder are linked to smoking as well.

Emphysema destroys a set of lung's ability to contract and expand, and can also be caused by smoking. It damages little air sacs in the lungs (called alveoli) inside of which oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged. This causes a pitted appearance and a charred, blackend gunk develops. This is an example of an effect of smoking that cannot be reversed or fixed. Every breath now is a struggle and the lack of incoming oxygen can cause damage to other organs. This can make even the smallest tasks difficult to complete. Many lives are lost due to emphysema because hearts are overworked and reach a point where they can no longer keep up with the body's demands.

Effects of smoking can be had by not only a smoker, but everyone around him. Contained in secondhand smoke are many of the same toxic substances that are inhaled by the smoker. Secondhand smokers can suffer from the same disease and risks as firsthand smokers. This is just another of many reasons to quit smoking, before smoking quits you!

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Chris Ranvestel - EzineArticles Expert Author

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Free Herbal Samples

How can I obtain some free samples of legal herbs? I would like to try a couple before I make my final choice. Check the herbal smoke shops online. Most have ways you can get those free samples.

In many cases these sites will send free samples with the purchase of something like $25.00 or more. The size of your order will depend on the type of free herbal samples that you get and the amount that you might get. The company will let you know what you can get.

Many companies offer free samples if you buy a particular product. Some companies will provide a variety sampler just so you can try a variety. Still, however, you must purchase something

One online herbal smoke shop sends free samples with most orders. This company (see below), will help you to find the right herbs may offer a very small variety pack for you to try out.

This company stands out for their top quality herbs. They are 100% pure; they have no preservatives and no additives. They do not have any nicotine, tobacco, or any other illegal substances in them.

These herbs are very legal in the United States as well as in various countries around the world. Though they are legal the consequence of using them might not be. If, as in ancient days you use herbs to attain an altered sense of awareness it is likely your judgment will be impaired. It is very strongly recommended that you do nothing that requires a high degree of mental alertness such as driving or operating machinery.

Pregnant or nursing women, people with medical conditions, or who take prescription medications should not use herbs without first conferring with their physicians. Not enough is known about the effects on a woman or her unborn baby. It is possible the herbs can be passed through breast milk and again not enough is known about how it can affect infants.

Those with medical conditions should consult with their doctor to be sure that herbal products will not exacerbate existing health conditions. Along the same lines, those on prescriptions must be careful that using certain herbs won't negatively interact with your medications. If you are approved then this site will help you to discover the right product for you.

Discover the herbal smoke blends we personally use -

After years of research in to herbal blends, we have found that our herbal blends of choice contain some of the most natural and purest herbs in the world, especially when it comes to manufacturing these herbal blends.

Jean Helmet is one of the editors at a collection of nutritional and herbal web sites, you can learn more about herbal smoke at our website - Herbal Smoke Shop.

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5 Tips for Managing Stress after Quitting Smoking

For years nicotine and smoking has had a major effect on a smokers’ life. When encountering stress the first reaction is to go have a cigarette. Nicotine in conjunction with the deep breathing and removing ones self from the situation does prove to be effect while feeling stressed out. In reality two out of three of these things are very helpful and can be done without smoking and are both effective at reducing stress. Here are some additional steps you can take to manage stress after quitting smoking:

1. Relaxation techniques such as meditation, breathing exercises, and massage are good stress relievers and all have benefits when dealing with nicotine withdrawal after quitting smoking.

2. Get plenty of sleep. It is a known fact that not getting enough sleep can affect your health negatively. After quitting smoking it is important to make sure you have the time to get the amount of sleep your body needs. Allowing yourself to get too tired can lead to a relapse.

3. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Many times our own worst critic is ourselves. Try not to beat yourself up for mistakes you make and understand that you are not perfect and that is quite alright. If you do slip and have a cigarette after quitting smoking, quit again and don’t let the guilt or the voices in your head convince you that you can’t do it.

4. Develop an exercising routing daily or every other day. Exercising can be a great stress management tool whether you smoke or not. It is just harder for those that do smoke. By exercising after quitting smoking not only will you be able to manage your stress better it will help your body in the healing process from all those years of smoking. There are many benefits to exercising.

5. Watch what you eat and drink. Your diet plays a major role in both managing stress and quitting smoking. Many people who quit smoking are concerned about weight gain and it just happens that by avoiding alcohol, sugar, and fatty foods not only will you be able to manage stress better but also minimize the amount of weight you gain after quitting smoking.

Overall, one of the best things you can do after quitting smoking and manage stress is to focus on your body and what you put into it. Establishing healthy routines will greatly increase your chances of quitting smoking and help you stay quit.

Jason D is an ex-smoker and publisher of a Quitting Smoking website. Visit for information on the Health Effects of Smoking.

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Chill Herbal Smoking Blend

Chill herbal smoking blend is a blend of several herbs and botanicals. They are designed to provide, for lack of a better word, a "high". Some of these herbs are very familiar and believe it or not they could be in your cabinets.

The herbs used in Chill herbal smoking blend are Mugwort, Catmint, Woodruff, Betony, Blue Lotus, Blue Lily, and Calamus. Galangol saffron, Neel leaves, Brahmi, and Indian Sarsaparilla are also used. Aromatics that are used are Frankincense, Myrrh, Catnip, Passion Flower, Licorice, Sage, Clove Cinnamon, and Wormwood.

The reasons many people choose this particular blend include that it induces an awareness of the sacred. An alternate state of awareness is attained and users report that "You KNOW you are feeling the real thing". The added attraction to this blend is that its effects last a long time.

An interesting fact about the Chill Herbal Smoking Blend is that it is labeled as NOT FIT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION. It is classified and sold as incense. The warning itself should have you thinking about safety of its use.

Pregnant woman should definitely not use this blend because it could very well cause injury to the baby. It can cause premature births and low birth weight babies. The long term effects on children as they grow are not known.

Herbs and botanicals are offered for sale by off and online herbal smoke shops. One such herbal smoke shop (see below) offers 100% pure herbs that are grown on their own reserve in Hawaii. Their herbs are legal in the United States and in most of the rest of the free world. Their product works as is evidenced by the thousands of long term repeat customers and the testimonials they have provided declaring their satisfaction not only with the herbs but the ease of purchase and reasonable shipping time.

Whether it is the Chill Herbal Smoking Blend or other herbs, herb blends or legal buds, care should be taken when under the influence of their effects. Do not drive; operate machinery or anything else that may require clear thinking and quick reflexes. Since your judgment is likely to be impaired, care should be used as to when or where you use them. You use herbs in any form at your own risk.

Discover the herbal smoke blends we personally use -

After years of research in to herbal blends, we have found that our herbal blends of choice contain some of the most natural and purest herbs in the world, especially when it comes to manufacturing these herbal blends.

Jean Helmet is one of the editors at a collection of nutritional and herbal web sites, you can learn more about herbal smoke at our website - Herbal Smoke Shop.

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Free Quit Smoking Products - How Can Free Quit Smoking Products Be Obtained?

There is a wide variety of quit smoking products available on the market. They include patches, gums, and lozenges, medications (prescriptions and over the counter). These come as nicotine based products as well as herbal based products. The herbal products also include herbal chews and All Mint chews.

Free quit smoking products can be obtained in a variety of ways. The manufacturer's in order to get you to use their product may offer you a week's free trial. Their hope is that you will like the product and purchase it. They also count on word of mouth to hawk their products.

Some manufacturers will propose that if you buy a 30 day supply of their product, they will give you 1/2 or 1/3 more free. If you are drawn to this product and you like it, if you need to use something in the future you will choose their product. Orders over $25.00 can get a free gift, usually a sample of product or a larger amount than you first ordered.

Other ways to get free quit smoking products come in the form of rebates in almost any amount. Occasionally the rebate cancels out the purchase price and your product will ultimately be free. Coupons are also available. Although, it is only for say a discount of 5% or more, sometimes they will return the entire purchase price with a valid coupon and receipt.

What kind of products would put out free samples, rebates, and discounts with coupons. Free quit smoking reports, newsletters, and brochures about quitting smoking are free. Books and e-books on quit smoking are also free.

Some software creators will offer a scaled down version of their program for free or the full program to try free for as much as 30 days. The programs are generally interactive self help programs with charts and calendars to mark your progress.

While not technically a product many companies will offer free customer support both for quit smoking support and support directly related to their product. In order to get these freebies you need do your research.

Getting something free is always fun. Websites may offer free samples of products simply for visiting their site or for completing short product surveys. Do your homework and research things. It would be to your advantage and yes the company's advantage as well.

Discover the herbal smoke blends we personally use -

After years of research in to herbal blends, we have found that our herbal blends of choice contain some of the most natural and purest herbs in the world, especially when it comes to manufacturing these herbal blends.

Jean Helmet is one of the editors at a collection of nutritional and herbal web sites, you can learn more about herbal smoke at our website - Herbal Smoke Shop.

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Monday, April 21, 2008

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Friday, April 18, 2008

5 Facts You MUST Understand if You Are Ever Going to Lose Your Belly Fat & Get Six Pack Abs

5 Facts You MUST Understand if You Are Ever Going to Lose Your Belly Fat & Get Six Pack Abs

by Mike Geary - Certified Nutrition Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer (CPT)

1. Many so-called "health foods" are actually cleverly disguised junk foods that can actually stimulate you to gain more belly fat... yet the diet food marketing industry continues to lie to you so they can maximize their profits.

2. Ab exercises such as crunches, sit-ups, and ab machines are actually the LEAST effective method of getting flat six pack abs. We'll explore what types of exercises REALLY work in a minute.

3. Boring repetitive cardio exercise routines are NOT the best way to lose body fat and uncover those six pack abs. I'll tell you the exact types of unique workouts that produce 10x better results below.

4. You DON'T need to waste your money on expensive "extreme fat burner" pills or other bogus supplements. I'll show you how to use the power of natural foods in more detail below.

5. Ab belts, ab-rockers, ab-loungers, and other infomercial ab-gimmicks... they're all a complete waste of your time and money. Despite the misleading infomercials, the perfectly chiseled fitness models in the commercials did NOT get their perfect body by using that "ab contraption"... they got their perfect body through REAL workouts and REAL nutrition strategies. Again, you'll learn some of their secrets and what really works below.

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Got 10 Extra Pounds to Lose in 2 Weeks? - It Can Be Done

Are you trying to get ready for that big wedding or other big event in two weeks time? After much effort and not so spectacular weight loss results, you really want to know how to shed those extra 10 pounds or so. Well the good news is that it can be done, but not by starving yourself.

In order to lose weight fast, you need to focus on losing fat. Fat loss is best achieved by burning fat efficiently. Fat burning is determined by your metabolism. In order to burn fat efficiently all day long, you need to change the way that you consume calories.

Instead of eating 3 large meals each day, you should concentrate on portion control. You need not reduce the total number of calories consumed per day, but you should consume 4, 5 or even 6 small meals each day. This way, your metabolism will get the amount of calories it needs to burn efficiently all day, without having to convert excess calories to fat.

Calorie shifting is another key method of fat loss. Your metabolism will run based on the kind of calories consumed at each meal time for the past three days. To trick your metabolism into burning more calories, you should rotate different types of food through the different meals you consume each day. For example, if you consume more fat today at breakfast, more carbs at your second meal and more protein at your third meal, then tomorrow you can switch the carbs to breakfast, protein to the second meal, and fat to the third meal.

Exercise is another key to fine tuning your metabolism to burn the fat that you need to burn. Aerobic exercise is important, but you also need to get in some regular weight resistance exercise. Weight resistance exercise will help you build the muscle mass that you need in order to burn more calories. As you build a little more muscle mass, you will burn more calories at all times of the day, even while resting or sleeping.

For more information about getting rid of those extra pounds you have to lose in 2 weeks, see this website - How To Lose Fat Quickly

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Quitting Smoking - It's Never Too Late!

If you are struggling with quitting smoking, do not give up, and do not be discouraged. Whether you are a smoker or non-smoker, whether you have tried to quit or not, it is no secret that quitting smoking is incredibly difficult due to the physical and psychological dependences. However, millions of people have accomplished this feat, and success is certainly possible if you are a smoker desiring to quit. By focusing on the physical benefits of kicking this habit, you are more likely to realize that the short- and long-term benefits far outweigh the temporary fleeting pleasures a cigarette produces. It is unbelievable (yet true!) how much healthier your body will become upon smoking cessation. As says, "Your body's ability to mend is beauty to behold!"1

Some smokers are discouraged, believing that smoking has already caused too much damage to their bodies. No matter how long you've been smoking, you will ALWAYS benefit by quitting. The human body is amazingly resilient. According to, "Within the first 20 minutes of quitting, the healing process begins."2 In just a third of an hour, you are already on your way to complete health restoration. One smoker of 25 years described an extensive list of the many benefits that they have enjoyed after having quit only six months before.

A group of recent successful quitters were surveyed about the benefits enjoyed since quitting. Among the responses were not being tired during the day and sleeping soundly at night, being able to smell again, having a clearer complexion, improved resistance to allergies and asthma, sharper thinking, whiter teeth, and simply having the ability to breathe better.

Cardiovascular Benefits

Within only twenty minutes of your last cigarette, you will obtain normal blood pressure and pulse rates. As early as three weeks after quitting, your circulation has improved. Between two weeks and three months of smoking cessation, your risk of experiencing a heart attack has begun to drop, and within a year, your risk of developing coronary heart disease is reduced to less than half that of a smoker. Five to fifteen years later, your stroke risk has dropped to that of a non-smoker. Additionally, after fifteen years (be patient!), your risk of coronary heart disease is now reduced to that of a person who has never smoked.

Respiratory Benefits

Within a mere twelve hours of quitting smoking, your blood oxygen level has increased to normal and the level of carbon monoxide is reduced to normal. After three days, your bronchial tubes have begun relaxing, allowing easier breathing, and your lung capacity is growing. Between one and nine months, sinus congestion, fatigue, and shortness of breath have decreased. At this point, the cilia lining the lungs have re-grown, allowing the body to filter the air it breathes. This keeps the system purer and reduces the risk of infection. After ten years, your risk of developing lung cancer is reduced to half if you had been an average smoker of one pack per day.

Throughout the Body

After only two days of quitting, harmed nerve ending begin to re-grow, and your senses of taste and smell are returning to normal. Only three days are required for your body to be able to test 100% nicotine free. Additionally, 90% of nicotine metabolites have passed from the body through the urinary system. At this point, your body is most likely experiencing the greatest withdrawal (hang on - the worst is almost over!) Within a week and a half to two weeks, your body has adjusted to functioning without the 3,500 chemicals and 500 gases in each puff of smoke. Between three weeks and three months, walking has become easier, and any nagging cough will have disappeared. At the six-month mark, headaches, yellow teeth, bloodshot eyes, yellow skin, gravel voice, and constant stuffy nose have all disappeared. In less than nine months, as a result of the many benefits that the body has already experienced, your overall energy has increased. After ten years, your risk of developing cancers in the mouth, esophagus, and throat have decreased.

Fifteen years after quitting, it is almost as if you had never smoked for many regions of the body. That means a 40 year-old who quits smoking is more likely to be able to enjoy spending time with the grandchildren, travel freely with a spouse, or engage in sports or other activities well after retirement.

Clearly there are immediate and delayed benefits of quitting smoking. While some require much more patience in obtaining the benefits, all the effects of quitting smoking, though not necessarily immediately beneficial or enjoyable, are completely positive. Your body will thank you and reward you with better health and quality of life.

Paul Galla, President Signs-America



Paul Galla, President Signs-America

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